It was good

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Po stretched her arms as she stared at the lake, it was a really nice day today. Usually she would drag her best friend with her but since Tinky Winky and Laa-Laa had sprained their hand yesterday, she didn't want to risk Tinky getting more hurt.

"Po, what are you doing here?"

She pouts, hearing the familiar voice.

"Is it a crime to visit the lake?"

"It is about lunch time." Noo-Noo didn't acknowledge her question.

"I guess I'll head back, try to fall in the lake." Po giggles and runs towards the dome while the robot makes an irritated noise.

Po bolts in Tinky's direction, "Tinky! The goddess has returned!"

The tall teletubby's tail moves side to side at the sight of her.

Because of his hand, instead of jumping at him, Po wrapped her arms around his waist. Tinky was only able to put one around around her.

She peeks behind him and raises an eyebrow.

Laa-Laa was staring at the ground with her arms crossed.

"What's wrong with Laa-Laa?"

Tinky Winky glances over. "She said she didn't want to talk about it."

Po walks over, "Hey Laa-Laa! What's up?"

The yellow tele sighs heavily. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Weeelll, maybe playing with your ball will lift your spirit." Po readies her foot.

Laa-Laa's green eyes snap up to glare sharply at the girl. "If even your toes touch my ball, you'll be joining the sprained hand club."

"Fine." Po huffed then ran into the house, "Let's eat custard instead!"

"Hey Dipshit did you find your hat yet?" 

Dipsy was lazily sitting on the slide with an angry pout.

"No, I don't know where the damn thing could have gone, Tinky even checked his bag every day."

"I'm sure we'll find it one day." Tinky gave a hopeful tiny smile.

Dipsy huffed, "Cutely positive."

He blushes a bit.

"Ugh, Dipstick stop flirting with my best friend." Po complained while walking behind the custard machine.

"Fuck you rotten black strawberry."

Po cursed angrily once she discovered the machine was steaming. She stomps to her work bench and grabs her tools. Then storms back to fix the damn thing.

"Okay guys, it's working again!" Po handed everyone their food, little did they know they should have just eaten tubby toast.

Tinky Winky wakes up feeling...weird. He looks around, everything looked normal. But when he spotted Po's bed he had the weird urge to snap her neck. This sent shudders down his spine.

Why would he do that?

He's always been irrationally paranoid. Like thinking killers were behind the shower curtain. So he thought the custard had caused these thoughts.

Tinky starts breathing fast, panic taking control. He needs to leave before someone gets hurt. He basically threw himself out of bed. The purple tubby quickly stands up and walks over to the machine.

Slendytubbies drabbles and oneshots-maybe (requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now