Po & Tinky Winky angst

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The last thing she saw before she suffocated was his face. Po honestly was just upset, confused and shocked.

By instinct she clawed at the rope, hoping to cut through it as she desperately tried to breathe. His blank face looked up at her, black tears on his cheeks.

His face twisted as his chest expanded and a shriek exploded from him, but louder this time. Po's ears flatten trying to protect her eardrums from the high pitch noise.

Her chest hurt more than the rope around her throat. She supposes Teletubbies would expect her to be angry at him for doing this to her.

But as her vision blurred she only felt upset. His crying and screaming face became a mess of colors and the heartbreaking sounds slowly faded out until her eyes rolled back.

Tinky Winky screeched and only stopped to hiss and cough when he tasted his disgusting tears as he watched the swaying body.

However he fell silent when his ears picked up an unfamiliar sound and his nose picked up an unfamiliar scent.

He gets up off his knees and walks away from the tree.

Slendytubbies drabbles and oneshots-maybe (requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now