Part of a tiny AU I have

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Guardian felt so sick, maybe due to not having food for a while. This place was familiar. Laa-Laa ran into this place a lot before the scientists would have to come fetch her to wipe her memory.

He sighed after seeing the stray bowls of custard. Great, he was hoping he could just quickly get through the ruins.

The slight kick of dirt caught his attention.

He almost didn't believe what he saw when he turned.

She hissed lowly. It was obvious that the noise was an accident.

Guardian resisted the urge to scream. Why did Laa-Laa follow him here?

Both of her eyes were missing. She must have scratched out the remaining one after he hit her with his camera.

He manages to dodge just in time when she lunges at him screaming.

Guardian ducks into the mess of ruins in a blind panic. He hears her yelp as she trips over the rubble.

He ran until he ran out of breath. He no longer saw her following him.

But he doesn't turn his back on the ruins. Before he can even sigh he bumps into something warm and he hears a low humming growl.

Guardian whips around to see the disturbing sight of Laa-Laa behind him.

How did this make any sense? Surely he would've heard her walking the other way?

He ran in the opposite direction. Dread settled over him as the possibility of death loomed over him. No one would find his body if he died, but there's no reasoning with an infected teletubby that's hunting you.

Guardian can't think properly, running like this. He needs to find a hiding place. Well, there's plenty of ruble...Better than just eventually passing out from exhaustion.

For a few seconds it was strangely silent.

How can he get out of here?

His frantic thoughts are interrupted by a soft hum. It's soothing and...

Guardian shakes his head when he faintly realizes the singing has stopped. Or at least the humming has. He can hear breathing changing in pitch and sounding like a beautifully haunting song.

He looks up and nearly has a heart attack.

A familiar yellow figure glares down at him in the only way someone can glare with no eyes.

In that second he was positive he was going to die, but Laa-Laa suddenly turned her back on him and screeched in pain.

In a panic, he ran back to the exit and could hear her screams increasing but looking back he could see she wasn't following.

The demonic energy felt like it was breaking her back. If she could weep, tears of pain would be rolling down. She cursed the demon for pulling this bullshit right now. The threat has probably already escaped.

Laa-Laa only stopped cursing him out when she passed out from the transformation.

Slendytubbies drabbles and oneshots-maybe (requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now