Osborn Clone Saga #3

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You felt the low hum and hard rumbling of the engine below you.

You were aware of where you were currently and where you were headed. However you couldn't seem to remember anything past your father telling you and your brother the mission plan.

Y/N: Stop your smirk'en Ollie.

Ollie: I'm just excited, baby brother. Your first real mission!

Y/N: heh, yeah I know.

Ollie snickered as he shook his head slowly.

Y/N: Though I'm still a bit confused about why exactly we're going to the mutant island?

Ollie: were you listening at all to what father was briefing us on?!

You thought you were, but you also remember having quite the headache during it. Seems odd?

Y/N: I remember why we're going. I just wanna know if there's any particular reason as to why it's Krakoa.

Ollie: you know why. Those things need to be put back in there place.

Your head felt like it split as your brother said that.

Y/N: and where is there place?

Ollie: Cages.

As he said that the pain spiked in your head once more, pulsating like a person knocking on a door wanting in, or maybe out...

Y/N: gah...

Ollie payed little mind to your pain and instead stood up and headed for the cockpit.

A moment or two later as your pain subsided and Ollie returned to the main cabin.

Ollie: 4 minutes to drop. That's what the pilot said.

You nodded as you pushed off of the chair into a standing position. You felt a head rush as you balanced yourself steadily.

Y/N: L-Let's kill some goddamn muties. Gah....

Ollie: Hahaha! That's the little bro I know!
Jubilee POV

Ollie: Hahaha! That's the little bro I know!—————————————————————————-Jubilee POV

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I watched as the toddlers played in the grove. Usually Anna watched them, including Shoto, however she was sick.

The kids played in the tall grass, which in all honesty was not that tall. But to three foot terrors it was the tallest thing ever.

I scanned the area doing a headcount. I'm supposed to do one every 3 minutes, excessive I know.

Jubilee: two, four, six, seven...

There should be eight...

I frantically looked around the group for the eighth, I already knew who was missing; Mackenzie. She was quiet and new too Krakoa.

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