Part 15 ~ Past Life

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Michael's Point Of View ~

The carpark is packed. I only just got a car spot. I have been driving around for hours trying to find one, it feels. But I made it. I'm here. I lock my car. And I can't help but to fix myself while I walk towards the entrance. My shirt, my hair . . just all of it. I am so excited to see Anika. We said that we would meet out the front of our local grocery store. I see the doors of an elevator open as I am approaching. But I'm nervous I'll miss it. 

"Hold the elevator, please . . " I call out. 

This time, running towards it. I let out a sigh of pure relief. I made it. I press level three. The doors close. Can they hurry up? The faint sound of classical music is heard throughout the elevator as we, as people, have come together before we all part ways . . most likely to never see each other again. My eyes never leave the wall of numbers that tells us which floor we are at as they flash from one number to the next. The ding goes off. It reads level three. 

I'm already ready. 

The doors open. I walk off. I walk towards where it is that I am meant to be meeting Anika. I'm almost there . . I'm so close. 

Oh my god. 

Anika is already waiting for me. I can see her. I now stand in front of her. She looks at me as I am already looking at her. 

"Hello Michael . . " She says. 

"Hi Anika . . " I say. 

I see her step forward slightly. But I feel myself do the same. Both of us unsure but thinking the same way. I move closer to her, my arms out and before I know they are around her. I'm holding her in a hug. I haven't done this in 10 years. I take in everything. Her smell, it hasn't changed. The feeling of her arms around me. Wow. This is so crazy. To be holding her so close after so long. 

Even if it is only just a hug. 

"It's so good to see you. Thank you for coming . . " Anika says with a big smile. 

"Of course . . " I tell her. 

Anika laughs as she pulls out a piece of paper. I look at it. I see things written on it here and there. Some things crossed out to then be replaced with something else or written again. By the looks of it, Anika and I are going to be here for a while it seems. But I don't mind. Not at all. I'm looking forward to it. She stares at the seemingly endless list before she looks at me. A grin on her face. We both chuckle as we know what each other is already thinking. 

Well, we better get a move on then. 

Anika's Point Of View ~ 

I am so happy that Michael could make it out with me today. I felt like I was literally running here to meet him. I am so excited. So thankful that we have this chance to catch up and just hang out with each other. My heart raced when I saw him. He looks so handsome. Piece of paper in hand, Michael and I turn and walk into the grocery store. I grab a trolley . . I'm going to need it. 

Here we go. 

I'm starting at the fruit and vegetable section. Pumpkin, sweet potatoes and potatoes. Ah, I need all three of these. Plastic bag at the ready as I grab a bunch of each. Cucumbers, tomatoes . . ooh and I can't forget a few lemons too. I push my trolley along. Michael following me. His arms behind his back. His eyes looking at items I which to purchase. He is so cute. The way he looks but doesn't touch, the way he accompanies me . . no objection anywhere. We make our way through. Numerous other items are added to the trolley as the list is now much more shorter. 

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