Part 28 ~ Unearthed

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Michael's Point Of View ~

My heart pounding, my voice raised with each second of not finding Odie. Where did he go? How did he even get out? The door was closed . . it was locked. 

Wasn't it? 

Maybe I didn't completely close the door. Maybe I didn't lock the door like I thought I did. But I always do. I think back . . I think hard. Completely rewinding my mind on my actions. Hands on my face, covering it as I now remember. As in fact, I didn't lock the door. I didn't even completely close my door. Because I don't recall it. I can't seem to. Perhaps the idea alone of seeing Anika today made me forget. 

Shit. Michael, you idiot! 

How did I forget to do something that is so important? I just can't believe that I did that. 

"Let's go look for him . . " 

"Before it gets too dark . . " 

Anika states. I don't object. The chance of another storm passing through unexpectedly doesn't even cross my mind. I head straight for the door, seeing as Anika follows close behind me after she grabs her handbag from the kitchen counter. This time, ensuring I close and lock my apartment door. I am so worried. How could this happen? Odie ran away? I didn't train him to ever do that. So why? I can't seem to put my finger on it. Was he scared? It's possible. But of what exactly? I mean, Odie hasn't been himself lately but for him to ran away . . ugh. I can't believe I did something so stupid. But I thought Odie was fine. Getting back to his normal self. That is what mother told me yesterday. When mother came over to watch Odie while I was at work - she said he was fine. As the Odie before was starting to come through again, she told me. So that is why I decided to leave him alone today while I was out with Anika. I think . . and think. I feel as if a light bulb went off in my mind. 

Of course. 

It must have been the storm. 

Odie would never run away like that for no reason. Like I said, I didn't train him that way. He is very loyal towards me too. So it must have been the storm. Well, it wasn't a calm storm. Not at all. But it's something I am no stranger to. When it comes to storms, of any magnitude . . Odie isn't the bravest. He never has been. But for him to run away . . he must've been terrified. The storm - it was intense, crazy. Complete chaos. Heavy rain. Bright flashes of lightning coupled with the loud thunder . . strong winds and even hail. And the fact that he was all alone. Ugh, this is the worst thing that could've happened. 

The worst thing. 

I am frantic. Where is Odie? 

Where is he? 

I'm looking everywhere, asking everyone. I wish they would say they saw him. They have him, perhaps. No . . no, no such luck. Their apologies are sincere. Their sympathy is wholehearted. However, it still brings me no comfort. Anika looks in a small alley while I head over to yet another store owner to ask if he has any knowledge of Odie's whereabouts, hoping for his presence to be confirmed. But we both appear in front of one another bringing the bad news. I can't believe I did that . . forgetting to completely close and lock the door to my apartment. My hand on my forehead as I release a loud sigh. It's sad, concerned and totally overwhelmed. The sun is now only minutes away from leaving as the moon will then replace it . . the darkness then being far too dim for us to see anything. Anika and I have been searching all afternoon. 

Still nothing. 

And time is running out. 

Where is he?

I feel lost. I want to do more before everything becomes blind with darkness but I don't know what exactly. I feel incredibly helpless. Anika comes up to me, her approach is slow. She can see my worry . . all of my fear. How can she not? It's written all over my entire being. Words don't even need to be spoken. Her arms around me softly. 

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