Part 37 ~ Where I Belong (Final)

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Anika's Point Of View ~

Back from Sydney.

I spoke with Darren. It was terrible, but it's what I needed to do. I told him everything. All about what I have done while being here and away from him, my past life here and therefore all about Michael. Darren was left heartbroken but he also understood - for a first love is someone that will always seem to remain in memory.

You move one, but you never forget.

We spoke for hours. Tears as we both cried. I told Darren the truth - I do love him, I'm just not in love with him. That the true person that has my heart is Michael . . that always had my heart actually. The divorce will be quick but not at all cruel as the decision to spilt everything evenly was distinct. I can't help but to take a deep breath as I think back to it. It was the look on Darren's face for me . . ugh!

But it's done now.

I feel arms wrap around my waist. "You okay? . . " Michael asks me softly.

A slight smile appears on the corner of my lips. " . . I'm working on it . . "

I say with a small chuckle in an attempt to shake off the misery. It's been a crazy few weeks. Grandmother's funeral to telling Darren . . it's been emotional. But being back in Airlie Beach - I feel like I am finally able to move forward with the future that I thought I would never get the chance to ever have. Michael's lips on my shoulder calms me down instantly. My mind at ease. I close my eyes as I lean back against him.

"Your not a bad person, Anika. You're just following your heart . . "

"And as for your grandmother. You know I'm always going to be here for you . . "

It's like his voice has the ability to soothe me completely. That the more and more I fall into the sadness of my own mind, he reaches down to grab me to then pull me up and away from hitting rock bottom once and for all. I don't know how he does it.

It's just him . . it's just Michael.

The lawyer just left. I am left shocked but . . should I be? After all, I was all that grandmother had. Her will exposed as she left me as the sole beneficiary to absolutely everything that is her property . . including this very house. This house - I have returned to this house after not being able after the funeral as I just wanted to keep the lowest of profiles. But since being away from here and now being back . . I did miss it. But this house belongs to me now. This house where I was brought into with open arms by my loving grandparents after the passing of my parents, where I was then raised and where I have nothing but the fondest of memories. I exhale deeply as I still try to get my head around it. Yep, it's a lot to take in.

One day at a time, right?

Well, one minute at a time more like it.

My mind rushes with possible thoughts on the next step after receiving such a thing. But I know that I can never sell this house . . I could never. It would be like giving away pieces of both my grandparents and then giving away so much of myself by doing that. And so, the answer is no. I hear a knock of the front door that causes Michael and myself to walk in it's direction. With the door already wide open, a door stopper keeping it in place, the mystery person knocking is someone all too familiar.

It's Lisa.

"Knock-knock. Anika! It's Lisa, dear . . "

I feel as if I could already smell her perfume. Her bright personality beaming throughout immediately. I smile when I see her, a weak smile yes but it's one that I really mean. Lisa's arms open right up when she sees me walking towards her to wrap them around me in a loving, almost motherly hug.

"I'm sorry I haven't come to see you since the funeral . . I needed to care take of a few things . . "

I tell Lisa.

"I was going to come see you, but- . . "

She cuts me off gently. "It's okay, Anika . . "

"You went back to Sydney . . "

Lisa says suddenly and I can't help but to hang my head down. I don't consider myself a bad person but I feel terrible as I told my husband that I wished for a divorce because my heart truly belongs with another man . . Michael, that is, of course. To tell him everything about what I have been up to since I got here. Ugh. Shit. I try to hide it away from Lisa but she ain't no fool.

"Hey, Anika. You have done nothing wrong . . "

She tells me gently before wrapping her arms around me once more. I feel Michael's hand rest upon my back as he stands behind me. From telling Darren the truth to the lose of grandmother and just how much I do miss her. Everything is just overwhelming right now. My sniffles loud, I feel, as the hug is broken. Emotions all over the place. I am such a mess right now. From the corner of my eye, I see Michael walk away leaving Lisa and myself to speak. I wipe away these few tears as I talk.

"I just feel horrible. Hurting someone, losing someone else . . "

"I know, dear. But remember, you have Michael and I know for sure he'll be here for you through it all . . "

Lisa tells me. I nod. A few tears still. Lisa looks at me right in the eyes as I feel she has more to say.

"Don't you dare feel like you don't have the right to be happy now as you move forward . . "

It's like she just read my mind as I do feel that way. I feel as though I have no right, no ground to stand on in terms of even flashing the quickest of smiles. I'm left hurt after the lose of grandmother and to top that off - how I made Darren feel. I snap my head to the side as I see Michael return, he's holding a steaming cup of coffee. The smell . . that's how I know. He hands it to me in the most gentle of ways.

"Yes. It's on almond milk . . "

Michael says with a giggle. He knows exactly what I'm like and that I will ask just to make certain. I have a sip . . hmm. Delicious. The caffeine shoots through my body instantly and not a moment less as I feel as if it gives me that booster I desperately needed after that flash of sadness. I stop the tears but my eyes are still glassy and my cheeks still slightly red stained. Michael looks at me softly, planting a peck on my forehead as I continue to drink my coffee and within seconds - I'm finished. Lisa expresses her goodbyes to us but of course not forgetting to throw in "if you need me, you know where to find me . . ".

It's silent for a few seconds after Lisa steps out and away until the sound of tapping is heard. A happy face, a wagging tail and a spring in his step. Oh Odie. His head tilts to the side of her looks at Michael and I now standing in front of him. With my empty coffee cup on Michael's hands, he walks away but to soon return with Odie's lead in hand. Odie's face is hilarious as he can't ever contain himself. It makes me giggle. Michael leans down to clip the lead on Odie's collar before we head out. Front door closed and locked . . the salt air fills my nostrils. This town coming back to life after that infamous storm.

Michael takes my hand as we walk side by side.

And here we are . . at the beach. The beach.

Because we aren't haunted here anymore. As it's out in the open and something that is part of our past but something that will never define us . . not anymore. Odie off lead, as he makes the sand his playground within a matter a seconds. Michael and I take a seat next to each other as we look out at the horizon. I close my eyes as I feel the warmth of the breeze surround us. Instead of the sky that was full of stars and held a full moon from that night to 10 years later, to right now, as it's now nothing but a sky full of blue - it's time. Time for a fresh start right here and now.

I won't return to Sydney. Airlie Beach has always been my true home.

Because being here, with Michael . .

. . this is where I belong.


𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐖𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐔𝐬Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz