Part 3 ~ Paralyzed

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Anika's Point Of View ~ 

The sunlight hits my face as I open the blinds of my bedroom window. I can hear birds singing to each other, singing songs of many to alert  that it is time to wake up. I hear my grandmother call me, I look towards my closed bedroom door. 

"Anika, dear . . are you awake? . . " She asks sweetly.  

"I am . . I am grandmother . . " I confirm to her. 

"Don't worry, dear I won't come in. Because you might not be decent . . " She says. 

I can't help but to giggle. She is so cute sometimes. I grab my bathrobe, letting it hug me as I wrap it around my waist. All of those smells from my childhood come back immediately. It's the smell of freshly baked bread, coffee too of course. The sizzle and spit of the stone as grandmother makes her famous eggs and bacon on toast. I can smell it all from my bedroom. She has always been a fantastic cook. When I was growing up, I would always help her. Always cook with her. I still remember and cook all of her recipes for Darren. 

Oh Darren! 

I still haven't called him yet. 

I grab my phone, dialing his number in seconds. He picks up. 

"Anika . . are you okay? . . " 

He asks me, concern all over her voice. He's worried. Oh no. I completely forgot to call him when I first got here yesterday. I feel so terrible. 

"Darren, hi. I'm sorry. I completely forgot to call you once I landed and got settled in . . " 

I continue speaking to him. 

" . . my mind got . . ah . . umm . . side tracked. But I'm fine . . " I inform him. 

"It's okay, just happy to hear your okay and having a good time . . " He says. 

"Yeah, it's great to be back, crazy too. And seeing grandmother is just great . . " 

"That's great Anika, please give her my love . . " 

"Of course I will . . " I say smiling, throwing in giggles here and there. 

It's silent for a few seconds before Darren speaks again. 

"Anything else you wanna tell me? . . " 

" . . no . . nothing else . . " I say. Darren tells me he loves me, I return the sweet sentence by saying it back to him. 

"I'll call you tomorrow, sweetie . . " I tell him. 

"I look forward to it, Anika . . " He says. 

I can feel him smile through the phone as he says it. We say our goodbyes before I gently place my phone on the bedside table. Darren is so sweet. He is. Sometimes his mood goes up and down but he has always been good to me. That's why I feel in love with Darren to begin with. But I don't understand why my eyes keep looking there . . keep looking at this photo. 

. . at him. 

I swallow hard. I lift my hand up slowly, placing my shaking fingertips upon the top of the photo frame. My eyes still on him until I can no longer see him, the photo now face down upon my bedside table. I take a deep breath. I need to go . . I need some air. I need to go for a walk. That will make me feel better I'm sure. I stand up, changing into a dress. My footsteps quick as I walk into the kitchen where grandmother still is. She looks at me with a smile. 

"Good morning, dear. Breakfast is ready . . " 

She tells me as she fixes me a plate full of everything. 

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