Chapter 6

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{Moy's Pov}

"I can't do this."

"Why?" Asks Exotica

"Because I'm engaged. It's wrong I've came to far. I can't fuck up not right now."

"So what does your girl have to do with me?" Snaps Exotica

I push her off of my lap.

I slam a few hundreds on the chair.

"Here just take the money and keep it moving."

"Yeah whatever. Nigga you ain't all that. You think just because you got nice hair and shit that you're so fucking special." Yells Exotica

"Shawty ion even know you. I'm out."

I barge past her and go to find Khris.


"What the fu*k Shamoy you couldn't knock?" Asks Khris

He pushes the girl off of him.

"I'm about to bounce. You coming or not?"

"Leave man why? The party just getting started." Says Khris with a stupid ass grin on his face.

"If you want to fuck a stripper go ahead. I'm not about to stop you. When you catch some STD don't say nothing."

"Excuse me but I don't have any STD's." Snarls the stripper

"Nah I'm not buying it. As many niggas you been fucking and sucking I doubt that. Aye Khris if your staying let me know now. I gotta get home soon."

"I'm staying." Says Khris

"Suit yourself. I'll see you later."

"Later man." Says Khris

I walk out of the room and make my way down the long hallway.

All the hoes were giving me lustful stares. I just ignored them and kept it moving. Girls have been all over me the entire night. The old me used to love all the attention. But the new me is not interested nor am I impressed.


I slowly walk up the stairs trying not to make much noise.

I stop by the kids room to make sure there sleeping good. I go into Julissa's room first. I swear she sleeps so cute. With her mouth slightly open. It's crazy how much she acts and looks like me.

I bend down and kiss her forehead. I pull her Princess and The Frog sheets over her.

"I love you babygirl."

I close the door behind me leaving it open just a little so the light can shine through. She's afraid of the dark.

I make my way into Dylan's room. I'm surprised to him in there. He usually sleeps with us. I'm glad Mel finally decided to listen to me and stopped babying him.

I kiss him on the forehead as well.

For a while I just watch him sleep. Man I really wish he was mine. I know that one day he will figure out that I'm not his biological father. I think the day he asks for his real dad I will fall apart. Ever since he was born I kept hoping that he was mine. Maybe the doctor made some sort of mistake. Things like that happen all of the time. I wish that were the case.

"I love you lil man."

I get up and leave his room.

I walk into the bedroom and see Mel fast asleep.

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