Chapter 21: Can You Keep a Secret?

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Leah's Pov

"How long do I have to keep this shit up?" Asks Will

"Lower your voice before the kids hear you!"

"Mane fuck that. I'm tired of playing games. One minute you feeling me and the next you're on my shoulder crying over Melanie. You need to figure out what you want. Your days of telling me what to do are over." Says Will

"No I just need more time. Please you don't understand this is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I just got my bestfriend back I can't lose her again."

"That's just it she's not your bestfriend. You're in love with shawty. So woman up and tell her or I will. I can't stand to see my boy get played. I had to sit back and watch Brittany mess with his head. I'm not about to let your confused as do it again. To be honest with you Melanie is not into girls." Yells Will

"How do you know that?"

"Please it's pretty obvious. She's feeling my boy Manny. Anybody can see that." Says Will laughing

"Fuck you! I don't need this. You can leave now."

Will continues laughing and stands there.

"I'm serious get the fu--"

"Auntie?" Says a little voice

I look down and see Julissa tugging on my leg.

"Yes Aunties baby?"

"I thirsty." Says Julissa

"Let me guess you want some chocolate milk?"

"Yes." Says Julissa nodding.

"Does Dylan want milk too?"

Julissa nods her head. She turns to leave then stops staring up at Will.

"Who dis?" Asks Julissa giving Will a dirty look.

"This is my boyfriend Will. You don't remember him?"

"No." Says Julissa placing her little hands on her hips.

I swear this girl is too much. She better be lucky she's so cute. 😩

"Hi cutie." Says Will he gets down to Julissa's level.

"Hi." Says Julissa

"Come on let's go get you and your brother some milk."

I bend down to pick her up.

"Will shouldn't be leaving soon?"

"Yeah I was just about to leave. This conversation isn't over. We'll talk about this later. Bye cutie." Says Will

"Bye." Says Julissa

He walks past us and heads downstairs.

Phew that was a close one.

"Did Auntie ever tell you how much I love you?"

"Yes." Says Julissa smiling.

"Don't tell mommy about my friend okay?"

"Why?" Asks Julissa

"She doesn't need to know about it. If you don't say anything I'll get you candy and take you shopping."

"Yay! I love cany *candy*." Says Julissa clapping her hands.

"Good girl."


"You having fun?" Yells Manny over the loud music.

"Yes I am actually. I haven't had this much fun in a long time. I'm always at home with the kids."

"See now I'm glad I dragged you out the house. You need some time to yourself." Says Manny

"Yeah that is true."

"Come dance with me." Says Manny

He takes my hand and lifts me off the couch I was sitting on.


"Maybe I should call them."

"Who Julissa and Dylan?" Asks Manny

"Yes I just need to hear their voice."

"Bae they're fine just relax." Whispers Manny into my ear.

We are currently slow dancing to Jon B "They Don't Know" a true throwback. I was having a good time but I still miss my babies.

"I'm going outside real quick."

"For what?" Asks Manny

"I need to check up on them. I won't take long."

Manny sighs and throws his hands up.

I walk away from him and head outside.

I start digging for my phone. I'm always carrying so much junk in my bag.

I was so busy looking through my bag, that I didn't notice someone behind me.

"Melanie?" Asks a voice

I turn around and see Johnny.

Great just what I need. 😊


Excuse any errors in this chapter. This update was really short. I'll try to make the next one longer. Sorry for the long wait. 💁🏾

P.S. Be on the lookout there's another update after this one. 😏

-TelleTheMisfit 😚💕

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