Chapter 20

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Manny's Pov

I don't even why I'm going to meet this girl. Our break up ended horribly. She cheated on me too many times to count. And every time I took her back. Now don't get me wrong it's not everyday that I get cheated on. Most of the time relationships aren't my thing. I usually just have a few select girls that I fool around with. That is until I met Brittany. She was just different. I thought she was the one until she turned out to be a thot.

She's been begging to meet with her for weeks. I only gave in because I was mad at Melanie. I needed someone to take my mind off of her.


"Manny I can't thank you enough for coming to see me. I missed you so much." Says Brittany

"Ugh save the small talk. Just tell me what you want?"

"I want us to get back together. I know I messed up in the past. But I took some time to get my shit together. I hear you're playing house with some girl. I can't have that." Says B

"Man I don't really care how you feel. We aren't getting back together. You can forget that shit. Second of all how did you find out about my girl?"

"I have my ways." Says B

"Look stop keeping tabs on me. You look pathetic and I honestly have no idea why I'm even entertaining you. Don't ever in your life comment on Melanie alright? What we do is none of your business. You had your chance ma and you blew it."

"Baby you don't mean it." Says B

She reaches over and places her hand on my leg.

"You better move your hand."

"Why you acting like this? You always take me back?" Asks B

"Not this time."

"I'm sorry for what I did to you. I was being selfish and cruel. I changed I swear I have. Please don't throw away what we have." Whines B

By now her eyes are all watery snot is running down her nose. She looks a fucking mess. 😫

I started to feel bad. In all honestly I'm not an asshole. It's just not in my blood to be mean to people especially not a female.

I grab a nearby napkin and wipe her face.

She took my kindness as a reason to kiss me.

For a minute I forgot where I was and let her kiss me. As much as I hate her I still have a soft spot for her. But then I started thinking about my baby.

I'm the first one to break the kiss.

"I can't do this. It's like you have this hold on me. Seeing you is really fucking with my head. You almost had me there. Every time I'm ready to let you back in I remember all of the shitty things you've done to me. I deserve better than this."

"Don't you get it we belong together. I'm the best thing that's ever happened to you. Stop playing house to a bunch of bad ass babies. You belong with me." Says Brittany

"See that's where you're wrong. Don't call my phone no more."

I get up from the table and storm off.


This better not be her stupid ass calling me.

I grab my phone and see who it is.

I relax a little once I see that it's only Melanie.

I unlock the phone and hear her voice.


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