Chapter 17

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I'll warn you guys in advance this chapter sucks 😭. Writers block is the worst I swear. I only updated because of all the requests I've received asking me to update. I hate to leave y'all hanging for long periods of time. I promise to make the next chapter more exciting. 😊🌚

*A few weeks Later*

Mel's Pov

"Mommy." I hear a voice say.

I look down and see Dylan and Julissa standing in front of me.

"What's wrong babies?"

"I want Manny." Whines Julissa

"I want daddy." Says Dylan

"Want me to call them?"

"Yesss." They both yell.

"Okay let mommy finish this last paragraph then I'll call."

"Hurry." Whines Julissa

"I told you about being bossy."

I recently decided to do something with my life and enroll myself in school.

I don't want my kids growing up thinking that they don't need an education. I used my parents being rich as an excuse for way too long.


Manny's Pov

"Come on y'all we're almost there."

I watch as my fitness class struggles to catch up to me.

"Alright now I'm going to slow it down a bit. I see some of you getting restless."

"Thank goodness." Yells one of my customers.

I teach all ages I don't discriminate. I will admit that certain age groups can be difficult to work with. Today I have some older ppl ranging from 50 and up. There's this one lady she's 70 years old and still got it. For the rest of them lets just say it's a long process. 😩

"Kaley what are you doing sleeping? I told you about this. Someone else could've had your spot."

"Sorry Manny I'm just so tired. I'm older I can't move like I used to." Says Kaley

My phone starts to go off.

"Hold on I'll back. I have to take this."

I step outside the studio.

I unlock my phone and answer it.

"Look who finally decided to use my number."

"Sorry Manny. I've just been busy adjusting to my new work load." Says Mel

"I'm just messing with you. But seriously I'm glad you called. I missed you."

"Aww I missed you too. That's why I called. Julissa wants you to come over." Says Mel

"I wish I could but I'm still at work. But my class is almost finished. I can stop by when I wrap things up here."

"You sure? I don't want you to feel like you have to rush." Says Mel

"I'll do anything for you and Julissa. I'll see you guys soon."

"Okay bye." Says Mel


I hang up my phone and walk back inside.


Mel's Pov

"He's here." Yells Julissa

"How do you know?"

"I look." Says Julissa

Everything To Me (Trilogy to Family First)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon