Chapter 15: Little Slip Up

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*Manny to the side.*

Mel's Pov 🙍🏾

"So you guys are really done this time?" Asks ma

"Yes. I'm serious we are never, ever getting back together. I don't even want to be his friend at this point."

"The rumors must be true." Says ma

"What rumors?"

"You know people talk. Especially about us I mean we are one of the wealthiest families in this area. But anyway I just heard that Shamoy cheated on you and now he's with this girl." Says ma

"Well it's sorry to tell you mommy but it's not a lie. It's true. Not only is he with the girl he cheated on me with, it's the same one from before. I think he must really like her."

"They won't last long. Your the one with the ring remember that." Says ma

"I was the one with the ring. As in past tense. That ring is long gone I gave it back to him. He can give to Aysia for all I care."

"Oh stop it girl you don't mean that." Says ma slapping my hand.

"I do mean it. I'm over it and over him."

"I don't believe you. Look me in my eyes and tell me that you don't love him anymore." Says ma

"I am not in love with Shamoy anymore."

"I believe you. Aww man I really had high hopes for y'all. This honestly breaks my heart. I'm sorry that this happen to you baby." Says ma pulling me into a hug.

"It's okay I'm fine."

"You sure?" Asks ma


"Are you seeing anymore else since the big breakup?" Asks ma

"No I haven't. Although I do have a guy friend. I do have a little crush on him. But I don't know if I would ever tell him that."

"Who is he?" Asks ma getting excited.

"His name is Manny and he's 19. I met him at the mall. He's very sweet and kind."

"Aww he sounds adorable." Says ma gushing.

"He is."

"Has he tried to make a move on you?" Asks Ma

"No he hasn't. He's been nothing but a gentlemen to me."

I'm going to leave at that. My mom does not need to know everything. She'll go scaring Manny off I just know it.

"Good that's what I like to hear. I think you need someone whose not a thug, a bad boy, or a pretty boy. Those boys do nothing but stomp all over your heart." Says ma


"And might I add I think that Moy does love you. He just has an odd way of showing it. Being married to you probably scares the hell out of him. Which is why he keeps messing up and going to other girls. He's not really in love with any of them. He's just using them as a distraction. I hope that one day he can realize what he has. Any girl that's willing to be with a man that was just engaged and has a family truly has issues. How is my little baby dealing with all of this?" Asks Ma

"She was throwing temper tantrums nearly everyday. It got to a point where I said some mean things to her. I sent her to be with her dad for awhile."

"What did you say?" Asks ma

"That her father doesn't want her."

"Melanie Yvette Martinez how could you?! How would you like it if I said that to you?" Yells ma

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