Chapter 18

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*I decided to change the little boy playing Dylan. There's a pic to the side.*

This update is long overdue. Enjoy 😏💁🏾

Mel's Pov

"Pweasee." Yells Julissa

"I don't know."

"Come on Mel. I told you she'll be with me the whole time. She won't leave my sight." Says Manny

"Ugh fine. We can go to the beach."

"Yay." Says Julissa she climbs on top of me and starts jumping.

"Dylan come?" Asks Julissa all out of breath from jumping.

"Let's wait until his fathers brings him back."


"Mommy missed you so much."

Dylan starts giggling.

"My baby so handsome."

I kiss his chubby cheeks.

"How was he?"

"He was good. I need to ask you something." Says Johnny

"What is it?"

"Can we talk in the kitchen?" Asks Johnny

"Umm okay. Manny watch the kids for me."

He nods his head and continues watching the basketball game.


"Dylan has spent a lot of time with me lately. I feel out of place when he's not at home with me. I want Dylan to move in with me. You have Julissa and we all know she is a handful. She needs all of your attention. You won't have much time for Dylan. Let me take him and make your life easier." Says Johnny

"I can't answer you right away. I love Dylan I don't want to just give him away. A boy needs his mother. You can keep him whenever. I always let you have Dylan. I never keep you from him."

"It's not the same. I finally have him in my life and now you want to keep him away from me." Says Johnny

"Please. Let's not forget that you only recently walked your way back into Dylan's life. For a year you wanted nothing to do with him. Try taking me to court and see what happens. The judge will laugh in your face."

"Nah I would win." Says Johnny

"After I tell them how abusive you were with me, they won't let any kid near you. I knew you were too good to be true. I was wondering when the real Johnny would come back."

"I'm not Shamoy. I'm not going to be in and out of my sons life. Once I'm here, I'm here to stay. This conversation isn't over. I have business to take care of." Says Johnny

"Why are you doing this? You should be lucky I even let you in Dylan's life."

"You won't give me another chance. But you give that other nigga a thousand chances just so he can do you dirty." Yells Johnny

"This is to...."

I couldn't even finish my sentence. Suddenly everything went black.


Manny's Pov

"Can we go see her?"

"Sure but she's sleeping." Says the doctor

"That's fine. The kids are worried about her. I want to let them see that their mother is okay."

I take Julissa and Dylan's hands leading them down the hallway.

Everything To Me (Trilogy to Family First)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang