Chapter 19: What's Going On?

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*Surprise guest to the side. You'll meet her later on.*

{Mel's Pov}

"Oh thank goodness you're alive!" Yells Leah running into the room in her 5 inch heels.

"I missed your crazy a** too."

"I'm sorry it took me so long. Will's stupid behind took my car." Says Leah climbing into bed with me.

"What happened?"

"We were fighting because I found out he's been cheating on me with this bi**h. I told him I was done he went ballistic and had my car reposssd. I had to catch a cab here. None of that stopped me from coming to see you." Says Leah snuggling up against me.

"You did that for me?"

"Yes love." Says Leah

"You're so sweet bestfriend. I love you."

"I love you too." Says Leah

"Break up love birds. Mel is mine." Says Manny walking into the room.

"Uh uh Melanie been mine since we were eating glue and sharing juice boxes." Say Leah

"That's all irreverent. The strength of a relationship is not determined by how long you've known the person in years. It's determined by whose been there the most." Says Manny

"Look at you getting all physiological on us." Says Leah laughing.

"Aye let me talk to Mel real quick." Says Manny

"Anything you have to say to Mel, you can say in front of me." Says Leah

"Leah stop being so damn nosey. Don't make me call Will." Threatens Manny with a serious look on his face.

"I'll be outside." Says Leah jumping out of my bed.


"The hospital releases you tomorrow right?" Manny


"Well I've been thinking. I know you're tired and the kids will be too much. I want you to stay with me for a few days. Just until you get back on your feet. Let me take care of you." Says Manny

"I don't want to be a burden."

"No you could never be that to me." Says Manny

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. I want you with me." Says Manny

"Okay I guess I can stay with you. Just for a few days."


"You have everything?" Asks Manny

"Yes you asked me that like three times."

"Shut up big head. I'm just making sure you didn't leave anything." Says Manny

"Love you too." I say sticking out my tongue.

"Mommy?" Asks Julissa

"Yes jelly bean?"

"I'm hungry." Says Julissa

"You're always hungry. Dylan you hungry too?"

"Yes." Says Dylan

"We can eat after we leave here."

"You up to eating near the water?" Asks Manny

"I never turn down a chance to eat. I definitely will not miss the nasty food here."

"Well you're leaving so you don't have to worry about that anymore. I'm going to cook for you." Says Manny

"You're the best."

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