Chapter 10: Sh*t Hits The Fan

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*Manny and Aysia to the side. You'll meet Manny later on in this chapter." There's also a video and a pic of Mel's outfit.*

{Shamoy's Pov}
"Aysia I really have to go."

"Noo. Please stay. I don't want to be alone." Says Aysia

"I stayed long enough. Melanie is going to kill me."

"Man screw Melanie. I don't really care how she feels." Snarls Aysia

"I already told you about that sh*t. We are not together we ain't in a relationship. I knew this was a bad idea. I need to leave."

I grab my shirt off the hanger and throw it on.

"So you used me?" Says Aysia


"I hate you." Says Aysia

"I'm not too fond of you either."

I grab my keys, phone and head out the door.


On my way home I couldn't help but feel like shit.

I know y'all are probably saying damn this nigga cheating again?

Hey shit happens. These last two weeks me and Aysia started talking again. One thing lead to another and we smashed.

I plan on keeping this to myself. Mel doesn't need to know everything. Last time I tried to be honest she just blew up and sh*t went left real quick. 😒


I finally made it home.

I quickly head up stairs. I try my best not to make much noise.

Once I made it to our bedroom I threw off my clothes and climbed into bed. Only to find out Julissa was sleeping on her chest.

"So where you been at?" Asks Mel

I swear I almost had a heart attack.

"What are you doing up? Shit you scared me!"

"I've been up this whole time. Don't try to get off topic. Where you been at?" Asks Mel

"Things at work took longer than expected. The photographer wanted the photo shoot for the magazine to be perfect."

"Do you really expect me to believe that?" Asks Mel starting to laugh.

"It's the truth. Whether you believe me or not is on you."

"You just love making me look stupid don't you?!" Yells Mel

"Lower your voice before you wake everyone up. You see Julissa in your arms."

"Fine I'll let it go for now. But wait until tomorrow morning." Says Mel


{Mel's Pov}

"Hey did hubby ever come home?" Asks Leah taking a bite of her bacon.

"Not until 4 in the morning."

"Oh hell no. What did you do?" Asks Leah

"Nothing yet it was too late to be arguing."

"Hmm. Well I need to go to the mall and get s few things. Want to make it a mall date?" Asks Leah

"I need to get out the house anyway. Do you mind if I bring the kids?"

"Don't be silly. They can come I love them." Says Leah

"Mall?" Asks Julissa

"Yes baby."

Everything To Me (Trilogy to Family First)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora