Chapter 24: Happy Birthday Love!

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Hey loves I know it's been ages since I last updated. I'm sorry for keeping you guys waiting. I've been so busy with college that I completely ignored my stories on here. Now that I'm on Christmas Break I'm going to try and update more frequently. Thank you to everyone who was patient with me. I've noticed that a lot of you are confused as to how old Julissa is. I might be a little off on her age. Only because it's been so long since I updated and my updates have been all over the place as far as the amount of times I write a new chapter. So if her age is off just bare with me. Also I skipped to a different scene until of continuing off where we were last time.


Mel's Pov

"Jelly bean your birthday is coming up."

"I know mommy." Says Julissa

"You want a birthday party?"

"Animals." Says Julissa

"You wanna go to the zoo?"

"Yes mommy." Says Julissa jumping up and down.

"Then the zoo it is. You can have whatever you want."

"Yess a mommy you're the best." Yells Julissa jumping up and down.

"But under one condition. You have to behave yourself. I want you to be good."

"I'm not bad." Says Julissa

"Yes you are. I love you to death but you can be very bad."

"Okay." Says Julissa

"Good. Now give me your pinky."

I bend down and she gives me her pinky. We shake on it.

"If you don't behave yourself we won't have a party. Understood?"

"Yes mommy." Says Julissa nodding her head.

"Good now go play with your brother. Mommy has to make a phone call."

Julissa leaves the room and l pull out my phone. I quickly dial my fathers number. I don't have much time. She can be so nosey lately she listens to my phone conversations.

"Hello?" Says my father

"Hi daddy."

"Hi Princess how are my two favorite girls doing?" Asks dad

"We're doing good as always."

"How about my Lil grandson?" Asks dad

" He's such a good baby. I have no complaints about him."

"Good that's what I like to hear." Says my dad

"I was calling because I need your help."

"What it is it?" Asks dad

"Well you know Julissa's birthday is coming up. I feel so bad she's been through so much. Between her father and me breaking up to me having Dylan I know it's all a lot on her. I want to make her 3rd birthday special."

"I completely understand. What did you have in mind?" Asks dad

"Julissa loves animals. She wants to go to the zoo. I was thinking we could bring the zoo to us. We have a bunch of her favorite animals sent to your house. They can be in the backyard. I can decorate it to be a zoo theme party."

"Of course you can use our backyard. I can call the nearest zoo and set everything up. You just worry about decorations and Julissa." Says dad

"Thanks daddy you're the best. I can always count on you."

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