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To everyone who is freaking out about Mel and Johnny relax. I never said I was putting them back together. Half you complained that Johnny should be in Dylan's life. I bring him back and now you guys are annoyed. It's not a crime to have lunch with the father of your child. Y'all acting like she went and slept with him. How about I leave her by herself. No Shamoy, and no Johnny. I'll make her call off the wedding and she can just be a single mother for the rest of the book. I was never going to put her back with Johnny. Regardless of how disrespectful Johnny is to Mel sooner or later she will need to have some kind of communication with Johnny for the sake of Dylan. It might be confusing to the kids now but at least he's getting to see his real father. Some people live their whole life thinking a man is their father when it's really just a parents boyfriend, or step father. A boy needs to know his biological father or he will end up having resentment towards Melanie for making someone else playing daddy. If she seems like a hoe for being cordial with Johnny then so be it.

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