Chapter 13

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So I decided not to put the book on hold. I apologize for my outburst. I take my writing very serious. I'm just a sensitive ass person. 😂😂💁🏾 But anyway enjoy the new update. 😋


Aysia to the side.

{Mel's Pov}

You ever have the days where you feeling good. It seems like everything is going right. That's exactly how I was feeling. I finally was able to be around Johnny and not want to rip his hair out. Everything changed when I saw Shamoy and Aysia walk into Hometown Buffet. To make matters worse they were holding hands and she had a big smile on her face. This sidechick has better control of this man than I do. What hurts the most is the fact that he hasn't seen Julissa in weeks. She keeps asking why her father left her.

How do you ask someone to marry you one day and the next day you just up and leave them. I never received a call, text not even a email explaining why he disappeared.

Why do guys feel the need to go off and cheat when they have a perfectly good girl at home. It's like they want are never satisfied. I wonder how he would feel if the roles were switched. What if I went and left him at home with two kids while I go out and live another life. He wouldn't last one day in my shoes.

I should of cut that niggas hair off when I had the chance.

"I can't believe this nigga!"

"What did I do?" Asks Johnny looking confused.


"Were you talking about me?" Asks Johnny

"No. I didn't even mean to say that out loud. I see someone I'm not in the mood to see."

I must of been starring too hard because for a split second me and Shamoy lock eyes. He's not alone either. That homewrecker is with him.

I see them making their way towards our booth. As they get closer I see that she has on the same outfit he gave to me the day he proposed. The only difference is that her outfit is black and the top is strapless with a cut going down it. Oh no this bum didn't. 😡

"Don't say anything but Julissa's father is coming over."

"He's here?" Asks Johnny

"Sadly yes."

"You back with this dude again. I guess you're just waiting him to kill you right?" Says Moy laughing

"We're here as friends. At least he was nice enough to appreciate me. Do you know what today is? Not one phone call, or a text. You sicken me."

"Don't talk to my man like that." Says Aysia

"Was I talking to you mistress? If I were you I would keep my mouth shut unless you want to get your ass beat again."

Aysia shut her mouth after that.

"Aysia lets go. We can eat somewhere else. Have fun with baby daddy number 2." Says Shamoy walking with Aysia trailing behind him.

I took everything in me not to punch him in his face.

"Are you okay?" Asks Johnny

"I'm great couldn't be better."

"We can leave if you want." Suggests Johnny

"Yes please. Take me home so I can hide under my bed."

He grabs our stuff so we can leave.


"I'm sorry about what happen earlier. You didn't deserve that. I know I'm the last person to be talking, but seeing him do that to you made me feel like a scumbag. Now I know how you felt when I did the same things to you." Says Johnny

"I'm over it now. I forgave you a long time ago. As for Julissa's father he can kick rocks."

"Can I ask you a question?" Says Johnny

"Go ahead?"

"Did you really mean it when you said we aren't together. You would never get back with me? I admit that I fucked up but he's done a lot more than I have. You always give him another chance." Says Johnny

"To be honest I don't know why I always take him back. It won't happen again. I'm not getting back together with either of you. The most me and you will ever be is friends. You'll always be my bestfriend. I just need to be by myself for a while. When the time is right I would like to explore my options. I know there's a guy out here for me who is going to respect me and be faithful."

"As much as I wish we could go for another round I understand where you're coming from." Says Johnny

"Good. I'm tired today was a long day. Call me when you want to see Dylan again."

"Okay I will." Says Johnny

I climb out of his escalade and walk up the path to my house.

I dig in my keys for what seems like forever.

The door swings open before I can even put my key in the door.

"You scared me Leah."

"Sorry. I heard a car pull up. I figured you were looking for your keys again." Says Leah

"You know me all too well."

I turn to Johnny and wave before stepping inside.

"Was that who I think it was?" Asks Leah

"Yes and before you jump to conclusions it was just lunch. We are friends nothing more nothing less."

"Okay if you say so." Says Leah

"Don't be getting any ideas. I'm serious."

"Mhmm. How was lunch?" Asks Leah

"It was good other than sperm donor."

"Shamoy?" Asks Leah

"Yes. He was with Aysia. He loves showing her off. I knew he wasn't done with her. He should of just proposed to her instead of embarrassing me. Now everyone is exacting this big extravagant wedding that's never going to happen. I don't want to tell my parents. If you saw the look on their faces they were so happy. They thought I finally settled down."

"It's not your fault. You explain to them that you were the best fiancée a guy could ask for. For the life of me I can never understand bad things always happen to you." Says Leah

"Me either. I don't want to talk about it anymore. It's making me sad all over again. Where are my babies?"

"Upstairs sleeping." Says Leah

"I'll go join them."


I get upstairs and find Dylan and Julissa wide awake.

"Mommy." They both yell.

Julissa attacks my legs. Dylan reaches his arms out for me to hold him.

I pick both of them up.

"Did you miss mommy?"

"I miss you so much." Says Julissa

"Yeah me too." Adds Dylan

"I missed you guys even more."

I swear I'm so lucky to have them. If I didn't have Dylan and Julissa I would probably go insane.

•Who thinks Aysia and Moy belong together?
•Is Moy wrong for moving on so quickly?

-TelleTheMisfit 😺

Everything To Me (Trilogy to Family First)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz