Chapter 22

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Mel's Pov

"Um hi."

"What are you doing here?" Asks Johnny

"I'm here on a date."

"Why? Shouldn't you be at home taking care of our son. You have kids now you can't keep chasing after men. See this is exactly why I want custody of Dylan. He deserves better then this." Yells Johnny

"Just leave me alone." I try to get past him but he blocks my way.

"You can't handle the fact that I'm right. Just give it up. Admit that you're a horrible mother and Dylan belongs with me. I won't judge you I completely understand. Having a bunch of babies is a lot to deal with." Says Johnny


Manny's Pov

What's is taking Mel so long?

I decide to go after her and see what's taking her so long.

As I get closer to the door I hear yelling.

I step outside and see Johnny yelling at Melanie.

I walk over to them and see that Melanie is crying.

"Get away from her!"

"Fine I'm gone. Just remember what I said Melanie." Says Johnny he walks off laughing.

"What's wrong? Did he hurt you?"


Mel's Pov

"No he was just trying make me feel bad like always. I'm so tired of everyone. I swear I can never catch a break. Why does everyone hate me?"

"Hey no one hates you. Please don't start crying again." Says Manny

I bury my face into his jacket.

"It's true you don't have to lie to make me feel better."

"I would never lie to you. He's just an asshole. He's just mad that you wouldn't give him another chance. The only reason why he wants Dylan is to get back at you. Don't give him all the power okay?" Says Manny


"Good now let's go back inside. I promised the doctor and your parents that I would take care of you. I don't want to see you in the hospital again. You need to calm down. Johnny is just bluffing. Do you really think a judge would let him have custody of your son?" Asks Manny


"Exactly so don't him seriously." Says Manny

"You're the best Manny. You always keep me sane."

"That's what I'm here for. I can't have my baby all upset." Says Manny

"You're always babying me and I love it."

"Of course you do. Come on." Says Manny

He takes my head and brings us back inside.

We make our way over to the dance floor and continue what we started. I tuck my arms under his and he rests his forehead against mine.

For awhile we just stared into each other's eyes swaying to the music.

I could stare at his big brown eyes all day. 😍



As soon as I step foot through the door I'm attacked by Julissa.

I didn't even see her standing there.

"Why are you standing at the door?"

"I miss you." Says Julissa

Manny walks in after me.

"I missed you too Jelly bean."

I bend down and give her a hug.

"The two love birds are finally home." Says Leah walking into the room.

"Where's my son?"

"I just put him to bed." Says Leah

"That's where you should be jelly bean."

"You know she won't sleep unless you're home." Says Leah

"I know I have to stop spoiling her."

I scoop her off the ground and place her on my hip.

"How was she?"

"She was fine." Says Leah

"Mel I'm going to leave soon." Says Manny


"I have to get up early tomorrow." Says Manny

"Oh well I understand."

"Don't be sad." Says Manny

"I'm fine."

"Walk with me outside?" Asks Manny

"Here Leah take Julissa for me."

I hand her over and walk outside with Manny.


"Did you have fun tonight?" Asks Manny

"Yes I did. Thank you for taking me out."

"Anytime Mel. I like making you happy." Says Manny

"Aww you're so sweet."

"Only when it comes to you." Says Manny

"Better be. Give me a kiss before you go."

He pulls me closer to him and bends down to kiss me.

"Ahh you two make me sick. Are y'all gon be out here all night?" Yells Leah

We break the kiss and stare at her.

"Leah what are doing? I know you didn't just leave my babies inside like that?!"

"They're fine I told them to wait at the door." Says Leah brushing me off.

"I'll call you tomorrow." Says Manny

He pecks lips one last time before walking towards his Lexus.

I grab Leah by the arm and drag her inside.

"Girl have you lost your mind? What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine." Says L

"You acting crazy. It's like your jealous of my man or something."

"Please he won't be your man for long. They all leave you remember?" Snaps Leah laughing.

"Mommy!" Yells Julissa

"Jelly bean you see grown people talking. Wait your turn."

"Fine." Says Julissa stomping her little feet.

"Stomp them again and see what happens."

"I'm just being honest." Says Leah

"Jelly bean go in the living room for a minute."

She walks out of the room.

I follow her and make sure she's settled in the living room. I turn on the tv and change it to "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse."


"You're acting like a bitch. If you're jealous of Manny just say it."

"Fine I'm sick and tired of him being here all the time!" Yells Leah


"I'm in love with you that's why. Every time I see him all over you it makes me mad." Says Leah

"Mommy!" Yells Julissa

I've never been so happy to hear her voice.

Let go check on her.


Excuses any errors in this chapter.

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-TelleTheMisfit 😘😘

Everything To Me (Trilogy to Family First)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें