Chapter 1

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This chapter contains mentions of racism!!

This story is written from Gene's POV
I'm sorry if there are spelling mistakes English is not my first language

After my "father" decided to take no responsibility on taking care of his family and left my mom was the only one who took care of me.
Mom was the ruler of Technopolis at one point,she did a great job on keeping this city pure as it was meant to be. Everything was going well,the city wasn't in lock down, as when it comes to me,mom was always careful that i get a good education, i was always the first in every class,she was proud and that made me happy,she loved me like no one did...but that loved at one time..had to fade away...
A strange disease took over her body,she wasn't able to recover,she now lies among the deaths... after that tragedy, Dr. X took the control of the city, The nightmare this city went in lock down, Computer Supreme was build, the chaos began. Everyone was the same, same schedule, meetings everyday only to praise X for his "Genius mind"
No sun was seen in the city anymore,it became sad. But i didn't cared much about the city,yes, it's my home, but after my mom died it became an unknown place, she wasn't there anymore,so.. with that i had no protection against racism, everyone was looking weird at me, can't blame them i look different from everyone else,that was ok till the constant attacking begin, i was called names,such names i never thought can be said,words that made no sense to me, decided to ignore it all,go with it, but as years passed this place became sadder and more sadder, the time i builded Lenny was purely to keep my mind at bay . Don't get me wrong but living in repeat is boring and it drives you mad, but Lenny,Lenny made the days here better, it was something else, something fun, but a Robot can't feel like a human... even tho he was designed to have a mind of his own able to think by himself. When i created the Chameleon,the vehicle im most proud of, i decided that it should be time for me to leave this place. Everyone thought i was going mad,but i knew i was right,and HE knew i was right.
Fasting a bit forward after the Computer Supreme fell down,the city regained it liberty. But that wasn't home anymore. I felt out of place so i left not thinking of coming back.
Months passed, i was once again alone, but at least not stuck there. Days passed,i was spending the time outside,i was admiring the fauna, the living beings, the nights were so pretty, i missed the stars, one day as i was doing some research, three people and an creature found me, they were looking weird,no suits, they were messy and looked like they've been through a of them was flying which was...very wierd, but what i didn't knew..was how well were gonna get along, i once again,had someone to care about me,and for me to care about them. It's been an year now and we are close, It's nice to have someone to talk with..but you see... here's the thing that made me question everything. It's just.. it's sometimes that has never happened to me before...
He..he has something, something that whenever i think of him i can't concentrate! He's so nice.. but that fear of rejection came..i don't know if here's normal to date the same gender,plus i don't think i have a chance anyway...but i can't stop thinking of him...
One day i was sitting under a tree, doing nothing but thinking suddenly Alex came to me

"Hey Gene what you doing? You seem distant..are you ok?.."

"Yes yes im ok! Just.. thinking.."

"You sure? Im worried for you!"

It was nice that he cared..

"I don't know something seems off! You don't get enough sleep! Don't even speak about eating! How did u survive in there without food?!"

"We had some vitamins kind of pills, they're were made to give the feeling of a meal"

"Sounds awful"

"It is."

Maybe...just maybe i do have a chance with him..i hope...

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