Chapter 14

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It's been 2 days ever since i found out most of the truth...but since then I've been feeling sick...i have this gut that just doesn't let me live normally, I've kept thinking of the logic behind my mom's actions...and also maybe trying to talk with my father...


"Yes Alex?"

"How are you feeling?"


He came and hugged my from behind,i know if I'll ask him he'll tell me to wait..

"What's wrong"

"Im trying to process everything Alex...maybe if id talk to him?.."

"Normally I'd tell you to wait but giving the fact that you're in the state you are it's better if you go,get it off your chest.. want me to come with you or?"

"No.. I'll do this alone..but thank you for everything Alex.."

I hugged him tight and kissed him, I'm so glad he's trying to help me, I'll take Lenny and go...

"Y'all need the Chameleon?"

"Yes actually, Twinkle wants to go to Enchanted Island"

"Ok then I'll take the jet then, be careful ok?"

"Yes i promise not to damage the Chameleon"

"I wasn't talking about the Chameleon guys be careful..i can fix up the Chameleon if something happens to it..but i can't repair you all.."


"Do not tell the girls i said that tho."

"Yes sir"

"See you later Alex"

"Bye Gene"

I yelled for Lenny and went to take the jet, waved the girls and set course to Gunpowder Island

"So you've found him?!"


"Have you talked to him?"

"No i didn't YET ,i was too mad about my mother to focus on my father"

"Your mother? What did she do?"

"She basically forbid my dad from seeing me, then proceeded to leave because 'i reminded her too much of him' I'm trying not to think much of it because i already blew up at X for it"

"Leave? Wasn't she?.."

"She faked Lenny,she faked EVERYTHING she lied about everything,God i hate her"

"Im with you on this one"

We arrived in Gunpowder Island and left the jet in a safe place where it can't be stolen, Ruby showed me all the safe places around Gunpowder, we made our way to Rubens house and knocked on his door

"Oh,you must be Ruby's friend..uh..what was your name again?"

"That's not important yet,we have to talk.."

"Is Ruby ok?"

"Yes she is, it's about something elese"

"Get in kid"

We got in and i sat down on the couch, Lenny sitting next to me

"So what is it kiddo?"

"About your ex wife...'

"My wife? How do you know her?!"

"Well... she's kind mother..."

"Your... mother?..."

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