Chapter 10

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Back to Gene's POV y'all

I've been with Alex in the Chameleon, finishing the robot, we've talked a bit about the things that happened, to be honest it scared me...i don't want to give up on him, and i can see he cares about what we have.. otherwise he wouldn't have came with this MASSIVE bouquet of roses...where am i gonna put them...
I decided it's time for a small break so i got up fron my seat and went to Alex who was sitting in his chair


"Almost, i just have to put the stone in and we can finally see what that creature is"

"Can't wait"

He gets up and picks me up, god he really loves to pick me up

"Well shall we put the stone and go to sleep? I'm tired"

"We can put it in the morning... I'm kinda tired too.."

"Great then we're going to bed"

He said as he put me down, we went to his room to get some rest, to be honest i still can't stop thinking about what Sir Gareth told him...what if he really has to find someone else...

"Want my hoodie?"

"What kind of illogical question is that? Of course i want it"

He gives me his hoodie and i put it on, it's so comfortable i think it will become mine very soon. After we got changed into some more comfortable clothes we went to bed. Only that now my sleep vanished completely, great, i love this, Alex fell asleep quite fast,i got up and went on to the balcony, must admit it was kinda cold outside, well it's the beginning of December...but it's not freezing cold it's a... relaxing kind of cold,also the sky was clear, i decided i could stargaze a least until I'd get my sleep back...i started getting lost in my thoughts,they way i left i met I'm feeling love again...i tend to get lost in my thoughts it makes me not noticed anything else...
That's until i felt someone grabbing my hand
I looked at the person next to me, it was Alex,i guess he felt when i got up...

"Isn't it cold?"

"A bit but it feels nice.."

"Are you ok?"

"I'm just thinking"


"Anything, literally, im flashing through my memories"

"Are they good ones?"

"Yeah... meeting you is the best memory i have"

He hugged me and i hugged back, he's so amazing...he understands me so i can't tell what i feel but he knows...he always knows, he knows me better than i know myself

"I hope what Gareth told me isn't bothering you"

"It is a bit.."

"I shouldn't i promised you that nothing will make me leave you, i love you so much.."

"Yes i know,i love you too i keep telling myself that you won't leave but I'm just scared..."

He leans in and kisses me,i kissed him back,all the thoughts i had disappeared for a moment..i just don't want this to end

"Come on now.. let's try and get some sleep"

"Yeah..we should try.."

He picks me up and goes to bed,he puts me down gently then gets next to me, he pulls me closer to cuddle, i love his cuddles, i know i said it many times he's so warm..

"Good night Gene"

"Good night.."


I woke up when i felt Alex getting up,i opened my eyes and looked at him

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