Chapter 16

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It's been days since i haven't spoken to Alex,but today he caught me alone,and corner me

"I can't believe you did that"

"I had to.."

"Do you feel better?"

"I don't feel anything.."

"Gene this isn't the solution..."

"I just..."

He pulled me in a hug and i hugged back, he may be right but...i don't know...

"I don't know what to do that was the easiest way.."

"I know that the easiest way seems the good one but it's not always.."

"I Know..i just wanted to just get it off my back"

"You'll find another way that doesn't make you delete your whole existence"

"You're right..."

"You can fix it still"

"Im sorry Alex..."

"It's ok Gene i just don't like the way you changed.."

He was right,this whole thing drives me mad...i just need to drop it..

"Ok I'll... I'll fix it.."

He kissed me and i kissed back, he knows how to make me change my mind anytime...but he was right,i don't say that often but he was so right

"I knew you'd come back to your senses.."

"Well yeah.. eventually..."

He picked me up and bought me to his room,laid me down and got next to me, to cuddle

"Just 5 more minutes.. then I'll go fix my shit.."

"Stay as much as you want Gene...i love you"

"I love you too Alex..."

"Will you come with me?"

"Of course i will"

We ended up staying about 15 minutes,then we went into the Chameleon and i got into the files to restore it when i noticed something strange...

"Everything ok?"

"Last night i deleted the file..why is it here?"


"Someone restore it..."

"Who did it?.."

"Dr X called me last night, he was mad about me deleting my file..."

"I have a feeling that he's behind this"

"No no your feeling is a good one...i should have locked it"

"Well at least you don't have work to do"

"Yeah but still..."

"Worry about it later ok? Don't stress too much it's gonna be alright"

"Yeah you're right, let's see what the girls are up to"

We left the Chameleon and spend the rest of the day adventuring left and right, we stopped in Gunpowder Island so Ruby and Alex can spar the pirates there, Twinkle was God knows where,Lenny was next to me and Alien was in my arms,i watched these two fighting the pirates when i felt someone behind me,i turned around and saw dad behind me

"Hey son!"

"Hi dad"

"Whatcha doin' around these parts?"

"These two were bored"

"I see.. everything alright with you?"


"Come on tell your old mam what's on your mind"

"I've made a mistake.."


"I don' mistakes..."

"What's this mistake you did son?"

"I tired,and succeed to delete myself from Technopolis"


"I know i messed up i was mad and confused"

"It's ok, and also.."


"Get that "i can't do mistakes" shit out of yer head son"


"Gene,you got everything from me, the only thing you have from your mom is her mind,you are as smart as she is,but you two share the same think you're never wrong,you don't do mistakes and when you actually do make on your whole world collapses"

"Well i indeed am never wrong nor do mistakes,this one was just one and it won't happen"

"Gene, accept your mistakes,you can learn from them my boy"

"Mistakes are a sign of failure"

"It's what makes us humans"

"Have you done mistakes?.."

"Many, meeting your mother was one of them, but having you was the best thing that happened to me.."

"I don't like to admit when  im wrong..."

"It's hard,but listen to me Gene, don't let these mistakes ruin you ok? You're a smart boy and I'm so proud of you"

"Thanks dad.."

"You're welcome son"

Maybe i should try to admit when im wrong, maybe it's ok to do mistakes.. maybe...

"I also had a fight with Alex about that"

"You two good now?"

"After i avoided him for several days and he had to literally corner me yes we are good"

"Stubborn as Your mother"

"It still bugs me that she's alive"

"Eh i got used to her being alive, she's-"

"Dead to me"

We said that at the same time,so we both hate mom, that's good at least she can't play the victim

"But i must say i have this feeling that she'll return"

"You think so?"

"Yes,your mother is impredictibile and if she faked her death she can do much worse"

-meanwhile in Technopolis-

"Have you got the file back?"

"Yes it's restored, it gave me some trouble buy i managed it"

"Good, son's so smart..he did this by himself dear me..Xavier"


"Im returning tomorrow I've finished what i had to do..please do anything you can to bring Gene to me, it's time I'd see my son"

"I'll try Mel"

"I'm sure he'll be surprised to see his dear mother,and soon he'll understand why i had to leave him behind.."

"I don't know Mel will he? He's like Rubens, you need to find a way to make him trust you, he despises you,he almost jumped at my throat, I'm scared he'll actually jump at yours.."

"X what you don't get is that he has no reason to hate me...i did what was best for him, didn't i? He got the Scientist of the CENTURY award X... he's capable of unspeakable damage yes,he has a mind GREATER than son's a prodigy..."

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