Chapter 18

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It's been two weeks ever since my mother came back, I've done my best to hide from her, and i succeed... until now...

Here we and my Chameleon... just us.. how did she get here? Simple she followed us, waited until i was left alone, came in and locked us here


"Don't call me that."

"You're too harsh on your mother my child"

"You're not  my mother."

"Gene...i know all you feel towards me is anger..."

"It's hatred"

"Listen to me please!"

"You lied to me"

"I know but i did it for you.."

"For  me?!"


"If everything..was for me...WHY DIDN'T YOU TOOK ME WITH YOU?!"

"i couldn't!"


"Gene i did it all for you! I thought you'd ve better in Xavier's care"


"Son please..."

"You're dead to me."


I could see tears forming in her eyes,i wanted to feel not trying to be rude im just hurt...she left then she's coming back to apologize expecting me to forgive her the moment she's smiling at me and calls me 'son'?

"Look Mellissa. You weren't here,you faked everything and left. You didn't let dad see me, then you couldn't take care of me,you passed me to Xavier like i wasn't a human being rather a toy"

"Son..i was too weak..."



"Everything was better before you came back! Your arrival made my whole tower crash,i Haven't been sleeping probably again,im not eating like i should again,im loosing my strength,im so tired i mess up my own shit please leave my life just the way you did all that time ago"

"I want to make things right"

"You're late. 14 years late, i don't need you anymore.  Please leave my life, leave me alone..please i can't take it anymore"

"...i love you my son... I'm so proud of you..."

I don't know what to say... she's saying that just to forgive her...i know that... she's isn't honest, she's lying to me i just know it...

"You're lying... that's all you do! Lie! Please just leave... leave my life, leave me alone"

"I will..not bother you if that's your wish..."

I looked away, for all those years i blamed myself for existing,i thought that if i wasn't born she'd br happy with dad but i realized it wasn't me,it was her, she's just a shit person, who happened to become a mother. But a mother is supposed to love her child...mine didn't...
I watched her unlock the Chameleon and leave, i feel nothing towards her...i can't repair all those years where i was just broken...i thought she'd protect me, she'd be by my side instead...she left...and because of her im the way i am...a mess...
Not long after she left,the girls and Alex came back

"Gene? Everything ok dear?"

"Yeah i just... talked with my mom.."

"She was here?! What did she say matey?"

"She tried to apologize,i didn't accept it of course,look at me,ever since she came back i can't think straight"

Alex hugged and told me that everything's going to be alright, i know that,what i need right now is him..and sleep

"We can go to a picnic later!"

"How about we leave it for tomorrow? Im tired.."

"Oh sure Gene!" Twinkle said, i went into Alex's- our,room and laid in bed, i want to just,run away and make myself disappear,well i tried, didn't work,can't blame a guy for trying,
Alex  came in to check on me,i didn't had the energy to turn to look at him, he just came and sit next to me

"How do you feel?"

"Like shit"

He laid next to me, pulling me into a warming hug, gosh i needed this, this and some rest...

"How about we rest? Im so tired..."

"Sounds good.."

Im glad to have Alex here...i know i can be hard to handle,my feelings aren't expressed in the right way,im still getting used to the outside life...i can be a mess and he knows that, he never gave up,even tho i was about to give up multiple times, but something about him made me want to keep trying..
He's making me see things differently... like life it self, i realized that im making things harder for me...but in glad to have him  to help me out...

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