Chapter 15

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It's been a while ever since i talked to dad.. I've been feeling well since...but today in putting all these things aside, because Alex asked me out..sorta..he said he wants to spend time with me,like a date but not actually a date, he messed up his words but i still got what he wanted to tell me so I'm waiting for him at the gates of Kingsland, just the two of us, no negative energy,no one to bother us

"Sorry u made you wait so long Gene"

"It's ok Alex,shall we go?"

"Yes let's go" he said as he hold my hand,we decided to Walk around Enchanted Forest, it's a pretty place,and calm too

"These days were so confusing.."

"I know...but right now i don't want anything besides spending time with you.."

We sat under a tree and just enjoyed each others company.. just us... after everything...

"I've been working on this thing"

"Gene baby i swear if it's another laser gun"

"It's no this time! I swear!"

"Ok..what is it?"

"A new suit! I kinda got bored of this one,also it's unpractical for fighting.."

"You know how to fight?"

"First of all, rude, second of all im good at long distance combat, you shooting?"

"Well you do have a great aim..."


"And that could help us a lot"

"That's what im saying!"

"Sounds good to me!"

"Can't wait to finish it"

"My genius boy, i love you"

"I love you too"

We've been sitting there, chatting, cuddling...but here's the thought that i wanted Alex's opinion on it, i want to just... disappear from Technopolis



"I've been thinking..."


"Shall i delete my Technopolis file and replace it with an entity file?"

"What's an entity file?"

"It's the action of an Agent or Doctor deleting their existence out of Technopolis, it would be like I've never existed within the dome of that city"

"What has gotten into you?! You can't just delete your whole existence!"

"Yes i can!"

"Gene that's your home!"

"It doesn't feel like it!"

"Gene why would you even want that?!"

"I don't want to be connected to that city anymore!"

"No Gene you're not doing that!"

"I thought you'd understand why i want to do that.."

"Gene you're going to far,your hatred towards your home,your mother, Dr.X it's getting too far, you need to control yourself, what happened to you? I've never seen you this full of hate... please come back to your senses think logical.."

"I have all the reasons to hate them all"

"I agree with you on this one,but it's changing you...i never thought you'd want to delete yourself from Technopolis history.. it's like i don't even know who you are anymore.."


I kept quiet,he just doesn't get it,im not doing anything wrong, I'm just protecting myself...i got sick of them all..

"Gene please...come back to your senses.."

"Drop it"


"I said drop it Alex, leave it the way it fell.."

I got up and left,i just don't want to deal with than right now, he doesn't get it,none of them are getting it, they think im going too far? They don't know when im actually going too far,this is the right thing to do.. it's what i have to do..
I locked myself in the Chameleon and worked on my suit until the next day
Alex tried to talk to me a few times,i ignored him,i don't want to deal with him, today im going to delete my files, and that's final
I opened my computer and hacked into the files,i took me a while to find mine.. it's not hard I'll just..hit delete.. and replace with an entity file..the city will think im an will forget everything...i didn't existed in the city...i never existed in the first place... when i was done i was expecting to feel relief, to feel proud but...i don't feel anything... maybe I'll be fine tomorrow...i still won't lock eyes with Alex... I'll sleep here tonight
As i got back to work on my suit Alex tried again to talk to me

"Gene please..."

"Go away Alex"

"Let's just talk..."

"I don't want to talk please..leave"

He left and once again, I'm alone..
Dr.X decided to call, i answered and he looked mad

"What have you done?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"Your file Gene, you deleted your file?!"



"... because i hate you all? Should have ringed a bell Xavier"

"This isn't logical!"

"It isn't. It's the right thing to do."

"It's not."

"It is" and i ended the call. It's the right thing...

-Meanwhile in Technopolis-

"What do you mean he deleted his files?!"

"He deleted them,i don't know the reason"

"This kid... he's smart,but he's not THAT smart..."

"What should i do?"

"Restore the file."


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