Chapter 12

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This is a Christmas special chapter

Also back to Gene's POV

I walked around the castle looking for Alex, the whole castle was decorated, it's the holidays seasons, outside is cold,and snowy, I've never got to celebrate the holidays,there were no such thing as "holidays" not even birthdays, and this whole Santa thing is so illogical, do they have proof of his existence? But then I'd might be for the kids...i found Alex in the kitchen..baking?

"Hey Alex!"

"Hey Gene! Whatchu doing?"

"Came to see what are you doing, it's a mess outside with all the decorations and everything"

"Oh right,this is your first Christmas ever since you got out of Technopolis,how were the holidays there?"



"The best thing is that i get to spend it with you tho.."

He came and hugged me then kissed me, after everything,this is like a breath of fresh air..

"What are you baking?"

"Some peppermint-fudge brownies"

"Are they good?"

"Very and since you like mint flavored things"

"Don't tell me, you've made these for me"

"Of course i did them for you!"

"God i love you so so much "

"I know you do Gene"

If i can't bake at least my boyfriend can, at least he won't burn the kitchen...also i should look after Lenny, he ain't snow proof..

"Well dear I'll leave you finish your baking, I'll go find Lenny"

"Maybe you can find Twinkle too? She said she wanted to tell me something and i forgot she even wanted to talk to me"

"Sure! Love you"

I kissed his cheek then went to find Lenny and Twinkle, i exist the castle and damn it's cold outside, and everything is white, don't like it, i spotted Twinkle and Lenny building a snowman

"Hey guys"

"Hey Gene! "

"Glad you're having fun but Lenny you need to go inside to warm up, or else your joints will block themselves and they are hard to unblock"

"But the snowman Genee"

"I'll finish it for you now go"


I watched him walking in the castle while mumbling something, he's a robot but he's like a real kid sometimes, i hate cold weather and the thought of touching the snow makes me shiver ,and i didn't even got my jacket because i didn't think I'll actually stay out to build a snowman

"Wow Gene i didn't though I'd see ya out in the snow,brave for getting out without a jacket"

"I didn't planned to stay outside Ruby,also I'm feeling my organs freezing, might as well turn me into a snowman"

"Well we just have to put his head which is there, and I'll decorate it!"

I went to take the head for the snowman and placed it on it's body,for the next two months you won't see me out ever again.

"Also Twinkle after you finish Alex said you wanted to talk to him"

"Oh right i will! Thank tou Gene!"

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