Chapter 5

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"This is a long cave... thought it was something smaller"

"Tired already?"


I felt Alex holding my hand..i can't stop worrying,so many things can go so wrong...

"Please stop worrying dear... whatever is there I'll protect you"

"I don't need protection! And if you protect me who's going to protect you!?"

He stopped and got in front of me

"Gene... I'm a trained knight,i fought beasts bigger than whatever this Guardian is if we find it, don't worry I won't let anything... ANYTHING happen to you.."

I sat in silence, Alex is skilled but what if he isn't strong enough...i don't want him hurt...
He pulled me into a hug, I'm trying to calm down...for him at least

"Wanna continue or want to stay here for a bit longer?"

"Let's go..."

We walked for a few minutes before i heard something behind us

"Did you hear that?"


Alex got his sword out and pulled me closer

"Better watch our backs..."

Great im getting more stressed,more scared...
We heard the sound again, it sounded like a growl of some sorts,we kept going forward, the growl got louder and louder until they suddenly stopped...and so did we...

"It stopped..."

(Moving into 3rd person POV)

As the two thought that danger surpassed them,they decide to continue,as they make one step the beast jumps to attack, Alex managed to block the Attack, Gene on the other hand couldn't do much but back away trying to find a weak spot on the walls or..the beast,

"Gene what are you doing?!"

"I'm trying to find a weak spot! "

"Please hurry! I don't know how much i can hold this thing!"

As Alex tried to block the attacks Gene finally found a stalactite that was right above the beast, as he wanted to shoot it with his pad, the beast noticed the glow and leaped to attack Gene instead


Before Gene could even react the beast attacked injuring Gene around the chest/waist area,Alex ran to his rescue only to be pushed back by the beast, before he could gather the strength to get up because the beast attacked once again,this time pushing Gene into an wall, as he got pushed into the wall he hit his head, losing  consciousness .
The pad broke from the impact. The beast turned to look at Alex who was ready to attack,but the beast left.

"What.the.fuck.was.THAT?!" He said before running to check on Gene

"Great that's exactly what we needed" he said trying to stop the bleeding, he pulled out the commutation device and called the girls

"Hey Alex! Found anything?"

"Ruby i need help, we've been attacked.."


"I am..Gene.. isn't... he's hurt quite bad,we need to leave!.."

"But...the treasure.."


he closed the device and picked Gene up, and went to the exit with him where ge found the girl.

"I thought you were exaggerating!"

"I wasn't!"

They rushed to the Chameleon and drove off

(Alex's POV)

Shit shit SHIT,i can't believe i wasn't able to do anything...i failed him... I'm trying to stop the bleeding Until we get back to Kingsland...he had a bad feeling about it...i can't believe i didn't listen..
"Alex please calm down.."

"I can't Twinkle if something bad happens to him i won't forgive myself,i promised him I'd protect him! I failed..."

"You didn't.."

"Please Gene wake up... I'll get you to a safe place and I'll make sure nothing will ever touch you..."

We reached Kingsland and we got Gene to my room, and let a doctor to take care of his wounds.
I was sitting on the floor next to my door when my father came to me

"Son,you did everything you could.."

"I did nothing! I couldn't that thing was stronger!..."

"I'm sure he'll be fine son.."

The doctor got out and i got up

"Is he ok?.."

"He is, we're waiting for him to wake up, don't worry"

I felt a bit relief to know that he's going to be ok..
I went into the room and put a chair next to the bed,and decided that I'll sit next to him,
I held his hand,even tho he'll be fine i still feel guilty for not helping.. I'll just wait for him to wake up..

(Time skip a few days because I don't have ideas for the mean time)

(Back to Gene's POV btw)

The last thing I remembered was that thing jumping at me...from there everything went... black..did i ..passed out? I woke up im Alex's room...i tried to sit up but i couldn't because of the pain in my chest/waist area, God it hurt, i turned my head around to see Alex next to me,asleep...he really stayed...ok i can't stay like this,i tried sitting up again and this time i found a comfortable way, and it's getting boring so might as well try to wake him up..


No answer


No answer again..


"Im up im up! Geez i-"

He stopped when he saw me awake

"You're... you're awake!"

"Yeah i woke up just a few minutes ago.. don't hug me tho im in pain and i just found a comfortable position"

"I won't i won't..can i at least kiss you?..i was so worried..."

I nodded and he leaned in for a kiss which of course i gave

"I am so sorry Gene...i promised I'd protect you..."

" did your best that thing was strong,and probably what made it attack me was the light from the pad"

"Im just glad you're ok..."

"I can't um, move so if u want to come here you might as well get on the other side"

I watched as he went on the other side only to get next to me in bed which i actually find funny since he was so gentle

"Why so gentle?"

"I don't want to create discomfort for you"

"Don't worry about it.."

"I'm glad you're ok..."


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