Chapter 7

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I thought of something to see what's that thing without any of us going in, so I'm in the Chameleon sketching its blue print so i have an idea of what i am doing
I was too concentrated that i didn't felt Alex hugging me from behind. Didn't paid attention for some minutes before he tighten his grip

"Alex! Jeez you scared me."

"I've been here for 5 minutes"



"Sorry..i wasn't paying attention" i said as i gave him a gentle kiss,i got back to sketching when i felt him resting his head on my shoulder

"I was thinking...maybe it's time to tell the girls.."

"Are you sure?"


I turned to him and hugged him, it doesn't matter for me if we tell or not, but if he wants then we'll let them know

"Ok then,if you want we'll tell them!"

"Great! Also what you working on?"

"As you all, im curious what that thing was too,so im building mini robot with an camera, it will be smaller than us, i noticed that the monster can't see nor hear smaller entities, I've noticed during the attack some bats, which he did not hear,not see"

"Do you think it will work? How we will see it without a light? That thing can see light"

"Night vision camera!"

"Sometimes your brilliant mind leaves me amazed"
He said as he kissed me, i swear he makes me feel things I've never felt before,i wasn't even thinking this can be possible...i used to think that love is illogical,that it makes you do weird stuff, well it does, but it's worth it.. especially when you find the right person.And Alex's just perfect, he's so gentle and he's trying his best to help me,even tho he doesn't understand half of the things i say or do, but it's nice that he tries..

"Hey guys! What are you doing?" I heard Twinkle say as she and Ruby got in the Chameleon

"Hey girls, we are just chatting" Alex said,he looked at me, i think he does it to see if he can tell them. I nodded slightly and gave him a smile, which he returned back

"So girls, I've been meaning to tell you something.."

"Did you do something bad matey?"

"No Ruby you're confusing me with you"

"Eh right,so what is it?"

Alex took a deep breath and pulled me closer, holding my hand

"Gene and i have been dating for.. about a month?"

"One month and 10 days, exactly"


As we waited for a reaction we see Ruby smile as she turns to Twinkle


I looked at Alex, he looked at me, we both looked at the girls, confused of course




"HOLD UP YOU GUYS KNEW?!" Alex jumps in, I'm just there looking at them, it's like a comedy show i swear to god, my friends and my boyfriend are yelling at each other in a confused tone

"Hand over the gold Twinks!"

"Uuugh no fair!" Twinkle said as she handed Ruby some gold, God help me with these two, but to be honest, it made me laugh, it was funny,their faces,the tone, everything,who needs comedy shows when you have them..

"Ok ok guys let's calm down and let's talk about something else,like how we're finally gonna find out what that thing is" i said as i went back to sketching the final details on the blue print

"And how are we goin' to do that Gene?" Ruby said as she sat next to me

"Apparently the creature doesn't feel small things, so he's building a small robot to see what that is,i don't know how to explain it but you got the idea"

"Is it going to work?" Twinkle asked, im not sure,but it's worth trying, if that thing won't feel it we can finally analyze what it is, like he's strong,very strong, it's capable of unspeakable damage,i was one of the lucky cases but who knows who adventured in there and never got out in one piece. But like that one of us would have to go in, unless we can find a weak spot to attack it and take it down

I'll start building tomorrow,maybe now i should just get some rest...

I'll find out what that creature is...

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