Chapter 9

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This one is once again from Alex's POV . Enjoy!

I woke up when i felt the sun in my face,last night we fell asleep kinda late, someone was in mood for a game of hide and seek, speaking of that someone, he's right next to me, still sleeping,in my arms...i swear I'm asking myself everyday how did i got so lucky? I mean he's everything you could ask for, well mostly he has a hard time understanding feelings but he's working on it and he's making progress and I'm so proud

"Gene, it's time to wake up"


"Yup let's get up, i mean you take your time, but i gotta hurry I'm late to training and you know how Gareth is"

"Sadly yes i know" he said as he got up

"You go do your training and I'll go fix something in the Chameleon, are we still going after gems later?"

"You bet we are"

We got changed and i left to go to training,i was aware that sir Gareth is gonna be mad at me for getting up late but seriously he needs to chill a bit it's not like it's the end of the world.
I was heading towards training when my father stopped me

"Everything ok,father?"

"Yes son,i just wanted to talk to you, we haven't got the chance"

"Well sir Gareth is gonna get mad at me, like mad mad"

"I'll take care of that,son, come on"

I followed my father to the round table, he sat in his usual spot while i sat in front of him, usually my father doesn't talk to me face to face..i wonder what's up

"What is it, father?"

"Son,i think it is time you'd start to take your responsabilities more seriously, you're gonna be a king soon..."

I could feel my heart stopping, he never spoke to me about this...

"And your little relationship..."

I knew it, i fucking knew it,God my mind is thinking of every scenario, I'm actually scared

" you mean..."

"Look I'm supporting you with anything..but i spoke with Sir Gareth and.."

"I knew it! Dad he always has a problem with him!"

"Listen to me please son! You need to make the right decision! I'm not telling you to break up with him but you need to think..."

I didn't said anything and just left, went outside looking for Gareth

"Sir Alexander you're finally here,kinda late for training"

"We need to talk right now"

"Of course..."

I went inside with him, somewhere where we can't be seen or heard

"Did your seriously told my dad that I have to take my responsibilities more "seriously"?!"

"Alexander before you rage at me you must listen"

"Ok I'm listening"

"I think your little boyfriend is a bad influence on you"




"I don't get why you're getting defensive"

"BECAUSE HE MEANS A LOT TO ME GARETH! Following your fucking rules will make me break up with him and i don't want it!"

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