Chapter 11

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Alex's POV again

I've left Gene to talk with his little companion, they need it.. until they are done I'm going to see my father,the subject is still pissing me off, honestly i don't see the reason behind it,Gene is harmless..when he's calm... but still.
I went to the Round table to see my father alone in his usual spot. I sat next to him


"What is it son?"

"About what we discussed..."

"Son i know you're mad,but I'm telling you i have nothing against that boy.."

"I Know... it's just i don't understand why Gareth hates him.."

"He's different from everyone son.."

"I know but that's what's beautiful about him.. he's unique.. and he's very nice..."


"He's trying to help me, he's bandaging my wound's whenever i get hurt while training or in battle, he's everything i could ask not looking at the way he looks, I'm looking at who he is.."

"I long as your happy..but you have to get past Sir Gareth.."

"I know... gosh he's like a kid sometimes...also... thanks.."

"No problem son.."

I got up and hugged him then i went to look after Gareth,i hope i can have a nice chat with him, because i don't think my voice is gonna resist to another screaming match

"Ah,Prince Alexander, have you calmed down?"

"Yes..i just want to know what's your problem with Gene.."

"He's suspicious..he doesn't seem like he wants something good,he has that cold look in his eye, those weird stuff he does,i just can't stand him"

"Well you don't know him, you don't know what he's been through. And you can't tell me to break up with him."

"Well don't come crying when I'll be right about him"

"Jeez you're so heartless.. he's a human like you he's the way he is because he basically raised himself, he was alone, he didn't left any kind of affection and that changes a person"

i stormed off in the castle,i wanted to go to Gene but i don't want to disturb him... I'll just go in my room and read.
I got in  there, picked a random book and started reading, i didn't know when the time passed,i was so focused on my book that i didn't heard the door opening and the person getting in stood in front of my bed


I looked up to see Gene with an confused look on his face

"Hey Gene, what's up? Where's Lenny?"

"Outside the door but um...can you tell me what did you tell Gareth?"


"Ha came to me and.. apologized?"

He what? He.. apologized? Wow that's.. weird he never apologizes

"Uh..i may have spoken to him but i didn't told him to apologize"


"Yeah but glad he did tho"

"Yeah,also Lenny would like to meet ya, he meet the girls"

"Oh sure bring him in!"

Gene calls Lenny in, he's..much smaller than Gene,or is Gene too tall

"I'll leave you two to talk, I'll go to Twinkle, she asked me to help her bake something,i don't know what made her think i can bake"

He said as he left
So it was just me and Lenny


"Listen here, Gene's my creator and my best friend,and i care about him,if you do ANYTHING to hurt him you'll be turned into bits"

"...i swear that's not my intention! Gene's perfect i don't want to harm him.."


This tiny robot is really something else, how did Gene create that..

"Your a bit bigger when you don't stand next to Gene"

"Yeah he's tall tall"

"I Know right ?"

"It was hard for us to get out,and enjoy the outside world, after Computer Supreme..i didn't got to see the world the way he did,but im glad he finally found some friends..and a boyfriend he has trouble showing affection"

"Yeah i noticed..but he got comfortable with me.. and showing affection"

Just before Lenny could answer Gene came back

"I told her i can't bake for my life..we burned the pie"

" that flour on you?"

"Yes, don't ask..come on Lenny you need to charge"

He said as he lead Lenny out,i got up and got some clean clothes for him to get in,also cleaned the flour trails he left, he came back after 10 minutes

"God I'm so sorry for the mess.."

"Don't worry about it,go take a shower and change into these clothes,then come in bed"

He took the clothes and went into the bathroom,i sat on the bed waiting for him, he came back some minutes later and sat next to me

"So? How it was?"

"He told me to take care of you nothing much"


I pulled him closer and hugged him

"I love you so much"

"I love you too Alex"

God I'm so lucky...

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