Chapter 8

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Finally the wound has healed completely,i can finally work, it's gonna be a while until i actually get everything i need for the robot,but it will be worth it, the problem is than it requires a precious stone to work perfectly. That requires a sapphire.. here's the thing ,it's hard to find a sapphire, Alex has some but i can't ask for it,it will give off the wrong impression,i know im determined to find out what that thing is,but I'll just let this one on hold. I went into the castle to find Alex,and since he was nowhere to be seen i assumed that he's in the library, i decided to go in, and i was right there he was, reading i think? Sir Gareth mush have given him some homework to do
"Hey Alex"

"Oh hi Gene! How are you?"

"A bit tired but overall im well, what about you?"

"Bored but now that you're here i might not fall asleep, come,sit here"

I went to sit next to him, he took my hand and hold it

"How's the robot going l"

"It's coming together well... only that..."

"Something wrong?"

"It needs a gem to work..."

"What gem? I can get it for you!"

"No you really don't need.."

"Gene,tell me. What is it you need? Rubies? Emeralds? Come on let me know I'll find a way to get it for you!"

"It needs a sapphire..i know they are hard to find you really don't need to do anything I'll figure it out"

"We have some in the treasure room. How many you need?"

"One but no, i'll figure something else"

"Come on let me help"

"That's too much to ask Alex it's a precious stone not a toy"

"It's just one it won't even be noticable"

"You can get in trouble"

"With who?"

"I don't know,sir Gareth, he already seems to have a bad impression about me,if he finds out you get the castle stones to give them to me he'll go nuts!"

I don't know what's that guys problem, he keeps giving me weird looks, he called me a witch a couple times, and yet the worst is that he thinks i have the intelligence of a donkey, too bad no one says nothing, but I'm not gonna say anything because that dude will throw me on the ground, man's taller than me, and i think he's still mad after i slapped him...

"Ah don't worry about Gareth! I'll just throw the "I'm the prince" card"

"Alex please...i really don't need you to get in trouble, I'll just ask Ruby to go gem hunting with me"

He didn't liked the answer but i seriously didn't wanted to get him in trouble,the royal treasure is very important to them

"Ok ok but im coming"

"Im going with Ruby-"

"Ok but I'll tag along,who knows what else will happen. Maybe your wound is healed but what if you get injured again?"


"You can't convince me out of this one Gene, im tagging along"

I agreed, because he won't leave me alone if i don't

"Soo..what are you doing? Is that something Sir Gareth gave you to read?"

"Yeah but I'm reading one sentence then move the page, I'm not reading all of this, it's a 800 pages! Of rules."

He said then closed to book and put it aside
He got up and looked at me

"Shall we go? To my room? We can spend some time, and maybe you can relax a bit.."

"Sure... why not"
We made our way to Alex's room, when we got there he went straight in bed and motioned me to come too, so i sat next to him, to be honest I'm stressed,i don't know why I'm just tense ,what if the plan goes wrong, and we need to warn people not to go in there...

"Gene" i heard Alex say before he pulled me in his arm and hugged me

"Isn't there something that will calm you down? You're stressed, probably tired too"

"I am but I'll be fine.."

"Let's sleep, and tomorrow we are going after your sapphire ok?"


But we didn't stay there for long before Alex got up and went to his dresser and took a..hoodie i think? He came back to me and handed me the hoodie

"Take it, you'll be more comfortable"

"You really didn't had to.."

"Come oon! On top of that i never see you in something else besides that suit.. isn't it un comfortable?"

"Actually it's not"

"Looks like it is, and your pad is blinding me"


He got closer and began unbuttoning my jacket

"Alex! I can do it by myself!"

"Stay still!"


"Come here!"

After about 10 minutes of tickles and trying to take my jacket and shirt off leaving me just in my t-shirt he got up and looked at me



"I'll tickle you again"


I got up and went to the door, opened it up, got halfway through..then sprint off in to the halls


I heard him shout, a bit of a game won't do any harm will it now? I looked behind to see him after me, but i knew how to lose him so i turned left and hid as fast as i could in a room that isn't used,closed the door and listened

"Wanna play hide and seek? Let's play hide and seek then"

Heard him say before hearing his steps getting quieter

After a minute or two i peeked my head out the door to see if the hall is clear, then made my way deeper into it, i was confident that he is far away from me, but then i felt like i was being followed,i looked back and there was no one behind me... weird..i kept walking until someone grabbed me from behind and lifted me up

"Got you!"


"I did, but i took off my boots and went the other way,smart isn't it?"

"Ok this was so smart I'm giving you that one"

He put me down and he again handed me the hoodie that i left in the room, i put it on and he hugged me after

"You look so good in navy blue"

"You'd look so good in a suit, black to be specific"

He kissed me and picked me up..again

"What's with you and picking me up everytime you see me?"

"You're light as a feather and i just like it"

We went back in his room and got in bed once again, he pulled me close and we went to sleep...

God what a day...

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