Chapter 2

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"Well tonight you you are not allowed to skip dinner AGAIN."

"Alex,the last time i checked i was the older one,im able to make my own decisions."

"Your decisions are dumb."

"They are logical"

"My bad,some of them are dumb"

"I lived of VITAMINS im perfectly fine"

He was looking at me like he didn't believe any word i said just a moment ago.

"Gene we both know,im not buying that"

Yes i was very right he didn't belived me.

"Ok if i come to dinner will you stop nagging me?"

"If you eat yes"

"...cant i-"

"No you can't run away, no excuses such as 'Dr.X needs me to go test something'."

"Ok fine fine you won"


Yes i gave up,he wasn't gonna leave me alone about it...if there was something i could say to pay it back to him....wait..i got an idea

"Ok if you keep insisting on this subject how about you go to your meetings"

"But they are boring!"

"Hey, you told me to eat im telling you to do your Royal business"

"You are not playing fair"

"Either do you"

We smiled at each other and sat town at the tree, looking at the sky, sitting in silence for a bit

"So..i know it might be a sensitive subject for you never told us anything about parents for example.."

I sat in silence, i didn't wanted to talk about it, im still trying to get over it, to heal...

"I don't... wanna talk about it right now.."

"I understand don't worry,i was just.. curious"

"No it's ok I'll tell you once i feel like it's a good time"

"Take your time, Gene"

We sat again in silence..the sun was setting..sunsets are so pretty to watch, and im glad i finally get to enjoy it

"Shall we go?"

"Yeah let's go!"

We got up and made our way towards the castle,the dinner was getting ready, i didn't felt like eating, but i said i would..large groups of people make me uncomfortable,i never liked it maybe if there could be a way out of it somehow-

"Pst! Gene"

I turned around to see Twinkle behind me

"Everything ok Twinkle?"

"Yes don't worry! Are you ok? You seem with your head in clouds..."

I Know i can talk with Twinkle freely, she's really listening to what i say, and she sometimes has good advice to give. Which is why i trust her

"I just, don't like large groups of people, it's so crowded, i feel like im suffocating,i rather eat alone to be honest"

"Oh i totally know how you feel, the dinner here is like the dinner with the fairies! So corwed! It's hard for me to keep up with everyone's stories!"

"I don't even try"

"Hey guys, whatcha doing here?"

I turned around to see Alex behind us

"Oh we were chatting a bit before dinner! You know how i love chatting"

"I'm sure about that, did i miss anything?"

"Nothing important don't worry! I'll go to Ruby now, byeeeee!"

She said as she flew towards Ruby leaving me.. with Alex.. once again

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm just not a big fan of large groups of people, makes my head spin"

"If you want we can go to my room if that makes you feel better"

"Are you sure?.."

"Yes I'm sure nobody comes in my room so we can have dinner in peace"

"Thank you Alex...i appreciate it..."

"No problem! Go wait me there I'll bring our food "

I went upstairs to his room,i must admit his room looks comfortable,i like the accents of navy blue he has around, it's so different from the rest of the castle's rooms"

"Ook I'm back,a little bit of help please?"

"Oh right sorry,here lemme help you"

I went over to help him took two plates and placed them on the table

"Sorry it took so long Sir Gareth wanted to know why i am eating in my room"

"He's a curious one"

"He has his reasons,as a kid i wasn't really the most listening one,as i was bringing into the castle any cat i saw"

"You like cats?"

"I owned one,a black cat,i remember i had the biggest argument with Sir Gareth because here it's said that black cats are a sign of unluckiness"

"That doesn't sound can a color of a cat determine if it's lucky or unlucky?"

"I don't know honestly but i didn't cared i kept that cat"

"What happened to it?"

"He passed away..i miss him but hey that's nature"

We decided it's best if we eat before the food goes cold, we chatted a bit more and honestly i felt better,i felt safe actually....

"Thank you for not trying to leave in order to not have dinner"

"Yeah,i actually enjoy spending time with you.."


I looked at him and saw a slight blush appear on his Face, and then i felt MY face burning

"Uh.. I'll... I'll go now good night Alex!"

I said as i rushed to my room. Can't believe what i just said.. God that was... awkward...

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