Chapter 6

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It's been a few days since the incident... I'm feeling better, but the wound is still healing, i can't do much,not even drive the Chameleon because it's too much effort to do, but that doesn't mean we get a break. The Baron is kind enough to pay a visit and try some new schemes, it's funny how he always fails and i kinda feel bad as well because most of them could work...if he actually thought it through.That or the fairies need help with Baba Cara. Or Doctor X wants to test something yet again,the list goes on, and it bothers me so much that i have to sit out most of the times and it often gets my friends injured, not too bad but still some scratches there and there, i also stay at the castle while they are gone and I'm trying to not freak out because i think of the worst scenarios.
One day i was again waiting for them, they are usually taking about 2 hours to get back but this time it took them almost 3 hours...well 2 hours 57 minutes and 39 seconds but still i was worried, I was waiting in the throne room for them to come back and i think the king noticed my distress

"Son,why don't you sit down..your wound is still healing and you've been walking back and forth for a while now.."

"I'm sorry I'm sorry im just worried..."

"They will be back soon, don't worry"

I heard the door open and looked to see that they've returned! But as expected they got injured..again

"Where have you guys been? It's been three hours!"

"Sorry Gene but i can't tell you.." Twinkle said, i looked at Alex and Ruby to see a disappointed look on their faces, what did they do? Where they went...and why are they hiding...i also noticed some scratches on Alex's arm, we're gonna have a loong talk I'm sure of it.
I was watching as Sir Archibald was taking care of their wounds.
"Hey,Sir Archibald I'll take it from here, you go do your duties" he nodded and left me with all three of them.

"I think Gene's mad at us.."  i heard Twinkle whisper to Ruby, we can't call it whisper since we all heard her, i took some bandages and went to clean Alex's wounds while staying in complete silence

"Aren't you gonna say anything?.." he asked
I looked at him and then got back to doing what i was doing

"Gene?..are you mad at us?" Twinkle asked

Again i ignored her and straight up asked them

"Where have you all been?"

"To Baba Cara's"
"To the Gunpowder Island"
"Enchanted forest"
They  all said different answers and look at each other

"You all three went to different places or you're lying to me" i said looking at them, they don't know that but it's very noticeable when they lie

Ruby avoids eye contact
Alex's hands shake
And Twinkle holds her wand behind her. That's how i know they lie

"You better start talking,i know you all too well, you can't lie to me. So it's best if you just tell me,so we can still be in good terms.."

"Look mate we just didn't want you to worry too much"

"I am already worrying,now to see you like this and hiding why you came back like this.I don't like when im lied to.."

And it's true, i don't like being lied to, it's worse when i find out ,and it's even worse when i find out and they deny it.
I looked at Alex dead in the eyes and said

"Where have you been?"

He looks away,so does Ruby, Twinkle on the other hand looks panicked and it seems like she wants to say..

"Twinkle. Where have you been?"

She said as she quickly covered her mouth, Ruby looks at her angry and Alex..he doesn't say anything.

"The same cave... with the creature in?"

No answer..


"Yes the same cave..we just wanted to see what that thing was"

"That thing injured you all didn't it?"

They nodded,i didn't knew if i should feel angry or feel sorry for them. It was mostly anger because we agreed to never go there again.

"We agreed on something."

"I know...i just wanted to see what that was, and Ruby wanted to see if that treasure is actually real"

All this for a treasure...

"Screw that treasure! If we go there one more time we might not even make it out alive!"

"But i wanna know if the legend is real!" Ruby jumped up from her seat, i got up and went to her

"If you die you won't get to see if that is real or not. Might as well remind you,that creature is no joke, it can kill us faster than you can blink."

She looked at me with the same frown she always has when something isn't pleasing her,but i couldn't care less, I'm not about to let them risk it for a treasure that might as well be something we find everyday, no one can confirm if the legend is true or not.

"Save it,Alex. Im just disappointed in you all." I said as i left, it bothers me that they went there, despite being it a danger,and then tried to LIE about it. Who does that? Never understood why do some people find the need to lie...
I went straight in the Chameleon and locked myself there. Spend my time working on something and that something is fixing my pad, jeez this is a struggle and the sharp pains i get from time to time don't help at all. As i was working i heard knocking.
"Who's there?"

"It's me Gene.." i heard Alex, I'm still mad at him but...i decided to open up anyway, he got next to me and i locked the Chameleon back. I kept working, as he tried to hug me

"Alex please.."
He succeeded anyway, can't say i mind but..still mad at him.

"I'm sorry...i didn't wanted to worry you.."
He said as he kissed my cheek

"You really did scare me...that thing is could have gotten seriously hurt.."
He picked me up and placed me on his lap

"Is this necessary?"
"I want to cuddle"
"Still mad at you."
"Because i tried to lie to you?"

To be honest it's cute when he does these things, i like that he's apologizing when he's wrong, i do that too but I'm not often"

"I'm sorry for getting mad..but i just want you all to be safe .."
I'm feeling weird to sit like this but.. it's comfortable..Alex always has that almost makes you fall asleep
I put my tools down and just went along with whatever he wanted to do, he kept apologizing and kept kissing my cheek, by that time i was completely red, like i had a fever

"Aleeex stooop,it tickles!"
"That's the idea"
"Not the neck! Alex not the neck! It's tickling!"
He didn't stopped and i started laughing, it did tickle, i didn't mind tho.

"Still mad at me?"

"Let me think..."

" Im hoping for a positive answer"

"Let's say I'm still mad at you, about 45%"

"Want me to tickle you more?"

"No please if you do it's gonna rise."


"Thank you"

"How's the wound?"

"Better, it's getting better, how's your arm?"

"It's hurts but I'm ok overall"


We sat like that for a full hour, we just chatted about things, I'm glad they got out with a few scratches, unlike me who got a nice wound and also blacked out. But now that i think of curious too about what that thing is..but before we look for it we need to be prepared..

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