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"Who the hell are you and what do you want with Rachel?" Ashley asked, changed out of her batsuit and into a pair of leggings and a tunic tee. Dick stood behind her as they interrogated the parents while Kory, Gar, and Rachel were with the teens.

"Oh dear, you're right how rude of us to not introduce ourselves" The woman said, unflinching. 

"I'm Dad, this is Mom" The man said, looking at the woman as she sulked in her chair. "We're pleased to meet you Detective Grayson and Misses Wayne" He continued attempting to sound cordial but they knew it was anything but. 

"And what a nice bird and batsuit you two have if I must say so myself" The woman said, annoyance soaking her tone. "That was quite unexpected" 'Mom' said giddily. 

"Quite" 'Dad' agreed. 

"She was asked the question, not you" Ashley said, looking down on him disapprovingly. 

"Yes, you did. My apologies. All the fighting" 'Mom' began. "To deliver her, of course" The woman said. 

"To who?" Dick asked.

"Why our employer dear" The woman said as if that made any sense to the two normal people in the room. 

"Who's your employer?" Ashley asked as she pulled a chair in front of the two adults and Dick followed her lead. 

"I can't answer that" The woman said defensively. "Loose lips sink ships" The woman said with a smile as her head lolled to the side. 

"That's true nobody likes a tattle tale" The man. 

"Dick my glove please" Ashley said. Dick passed her the glove and she properly equipped it and zapped 'Dad' with her tazer. "I didn't ask for any input from you." Ashley heard Kory enter the room as 'Mom' looked toward her with her distaste. "Eyes on me" Ashley demanded and looked at the Wayne woman again. 

"It's my turn" Kory said stepping aggressively in front of Dick and Ashley and going to attack the man. 

"Wait, wait, wait" Dick said, grabbing on to Kory and hauling her away from their captives. "Come here" Dick said lowly.

"Help yourselves, give us the girl and we'll be on our way. Lickity split" 'Mom' said with a smile, hearing Dick and Kory argue. 

"We both know it isn't going to happen. So your next option and arguably best option is to not speak unless spoken to" Ashley said. "Kory watch things one and two, Dick and I will check the car, we know what to look for" Ashley said and slipped on her tennis shoes. 

Dick stomped down the stairs with Ashley on his tail. They went out to the car and Dick began to search the front while Ashley took the back. "GPS" Dick said and powered it on. He looked through the device while Ashley finished combing the car. "Ash, Chicago" Dick said and held it up. 

"Goddammit, I hate Chicago traffic" Ashley said with a sigh. 

"So Robin and Batgirl? That's the big secret?" Rachel asked as she leaned on the station wagon in front of the two adults. Dick shut the door and the two faced her. 

"I was planning on telling you about Robin" Dick said to her. "Look, when I was in Detroit I was planning on leaving Robin behind" Dick said defensively.

"That turned out well" Rachel said and Ashley snorted. "Why?" She asked curiously looking up at Dick. 

"When I put on that mask-" Dick began. Ashley leaned into him and he wrapped his arms around her and softly smiled when he felt Ashley rub his back comfortingly. "When I put on that mask, I become something that I can't control. Someone that likes hurting people" Dick told her, holding Ash tighter. 

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