Chapter 11: Poppy

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We stayed like that for a little, him growing fidgety told me he didnt wanna hug anymore.

Huggy POV:

When we let go I noticed a scratch on Y/N. Did I do that? I don't really remember... I let out a squeak to get her attention, as she was turned away. She immediately looked at me stifling a giggle from the sound. I pointed at the scratch "..who?..." She was a little surprised by me speaking again but then got a gloomy face. "You did it..." 'What? I don't remember...' "Well you did." 'I'm sorry...' "It's ok, you didn't mean to."

I smiled slightly, and checked out the scratch. "H-hey!" 'I wanna try to fix it. Hold still.' "Ok..." The scratch was on her back, where she was still human. Since human skin takes longer to heal than a toy's, I bandaged it up for her. "Thank you." 'No problem.'

She burst out laughing, "what even was that sound a couple minutes ago?" I squeaked again and she laughed harder. Blushing a bit, I giggled too. "We should probably get going" she said, calming down but still little laughs come out. I stooped blushing and started to walk behind Y/N as she already got going. One step in, and I got a flashbacks.

"Haha! You're so clumsy!"
"Harry! Don't surprise me like that!"

Please don't go... I love you so...
Why did you come back here?

Another flashed, and it showed me chasing Y/N. Teeth started forming again, and she backed away. "Huggy..?" I snapped out of it, And the teeth went away. 'I'm so sorry...' She stayed there for a bit before approaching me again. "What was that about? Are you ok?" '...nothing, don't worry about it.' "I know its not nothing. Please tell me." 'Okay fine... I had flashbacks of us.' "Oh..." 'Sorry for the hold up, let's go.' "Okay.."


We started walking again. Why did he go mad again? Did I do something wrong? No, it's neither of our faults. When we get close to the door, I hear a faint whisper. "What? Huggy did you say that?" 'No, I didn't say anything.' "..Y/N..." I heard it again, and it seems like he did too. It sounded like... "Carol?.." I looked around and saw a Cat Bee mangled and strung up next to us, along with Bron and two others. I focused on the Cat Bee, as it seemed my name came from her.

"Y/N..." It was louder and defitently came from Cat Bee. I jumped back. "Carol? What did they do to you?" "We fought for you... And they fought back..." "Oh..." I remembered the original name that belonged to Bron was "Brian?" And looked at him. No response. "Carol, did he die?" "Yes, finally out of his misery a while ago, we lost track though so no specifics." "Ah, okay. Do you want us to help you get down from there and fixed?" "That would be nice, yes. Wait... Us?" She looked at Huggy.

"Harry is that you?" He nodded. "Wow, I havent seen you since forever!" I let them chat and listened in when I heard my name. "Did you tell Y/N yet? Or did you lose the feelings after 10 years?" 'I was going to but forgot and didn't find the right time. I don't even know if she has the same feelings...' I finally piped up, "what are you guys talking about?" Both went "..Nothing!" Huggy went 'eheh, don't worry about it.'

"Okay? Well Carol-" "I kinda prefer Cat Bee." "Oh ok, well Cat Bee, we wanna see what's behind the door. If you want to get fixed then you would have to wait, but we can bring you with us." "Okay, sounds fine to me." "Alright, let's go." I took her down, and carried her.

We went through the door, with Huggy struggling a lot to get through. I set down Cat Bee pulled him, and he popped out of the door frame. I picked up Cat Bee again, and went through a giant play house. One door was blocked by a bookcase. We kept going and made it to a double door. They swing open and we see the one herself, Poppy. We walked in, with Huggy having a little trouble again but made it without help.

Poppy had her eyes closed and was in a chair in a glass case. She was so pretty in person, no wonder children loved her. Even I did a a kid, it was weird how sleepy I was around her. I walked closer, and using the grab pack, opened the case. The lights flickered and her eyes opened, showing bright blue human eyes. "You opened my case..."

To be continued...

(I can't do much in between chapter releases, so hang in there. However I can do requests and turn into a sort of one shots in the meantime. Probably in a different book, but I don't think I ever seen a actual main story and one shots on the side so you never know. Since Huggy might not come back in later chapters of the game, I can continue this story by requests. Thats all, have a lovely day/night! And let me know what you think please.)

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