Chapter 16: BB

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"Ok, off we go." So we went towards the cafeteria.


I opened the doors to the cafeteria, and we all stepped inside. Huggy and Kissy had a little trouble going through the doors as they are so tall, but made it in. I went through the door leading to the food storage room and got some for all of us. I came back out and set everything on a table. The rest of the gang came over and sat down to eat.

After we ate, Cat Bee said "hey let's go check out the theater." A variety of "sure" ensues. We got up and went out the doors and again Huggy and Kissy struggled. The circular room was brighter now, signifying two nights had passed since coming back here. We made out way next door to the theater and it was locked. Damn. Since we went to the food storage room in the cafeteria angle got a key for testing there, we decided to go to testing to try and find a key there to open the theater.

So we all went back to testing and searched the observation room, with Poppy sitting out. Nope, how about interrogation room? We went over there and searched. On the table was a note not there before. "If you want the key, come visit me! -B.B." Wow thats a lot of rhyming. Ok, guess we will go. I picked up the note and followed the directions over to a door that is unlocked. I opened the door, and it led down a hallway with other rooms that we were not supposed to go in. I mean we could, just not should. Who knows whats in there?

I followed the directions to a series of doors, almost like a puzzle. Go through right or left, and there were many like a puzzle. We went right right left left. Sheesh how many doors are there? Four sets I guess. We continued on straight and came across another door we were supposed to go through. I went in first, and there was medium sized Boogie Bot. Not small like Cat Bee, and not huge like Huggy which means it can go through doors no problem. Basically it is slightly shorter than me.

It booted up, and saw me. "Hello?" "Hi! I'm Boogie Bot, but just call me BB!" "Then hello BB, I'm Y/N. We followed the directions you left. Why did you bring us here?" "We? Us? Who else is there?" I stepped in, letting the robot see everyone else. "Oh, them. Hi guys. Anyway I brought you all here to talk." Everyone else stepped in the room. "About what?" "Exploration. I saw you guys looking for key to the theater. May I ask why?" "Well, we're going to the theater. Just because." "Ah. Well I have the key." "Great! Could you give it please?"

"Not quite, I will put you through a challenge, and see if you're worthy." "What? Why would you want to see if we're worthy for a key?" "There is important things in the theater." "Oh. Well what challenge?" "If you can beat me in singing, I'll give you the key." "Oh okay sounds easy enough." "Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I will let you choose who to sing, including yourself. You have 2 minutes, staring now." "Uh- okay who's good at singing?" I asked the group. No one spoke up but Huggy after a minute. "Well, I remember you singing while working." "That was 10 years ago." "Talent is still present." I looked at BB and the screen said there was only 15 seconds left. "Okay fine." A small beep emitted from BB, signaling time is up.

"So who is it?" "Me I guess." "Ok, come over here." It backed up towards a wall and went parallel to it. I followed and faced it a few feet away. "Any song suggestions?" "Um... how about (insert song name here)?" "Okay, I can do that. Let's go!"

After battling it, BB got a bit frustrated and held out it's arm, giving me the key signifying I won. I took it, and thanked BB. Huggy went "that was good Y/N!" Everyone else agreed. "Oh, uh thanks guys." "Goodbye, Y/N. It was nice singing with you." "Wait, do you want to join us?" "Really?" We nodded. It's screen as a face lit up with joy. "Sure!" "Ok then, to the theater!"

To be continued...

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