The dream part 2: electric boogaloo

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This is for nahomi080

I woke up in the medical ward where all the beds are. The others were still asleep. Wait... They look different. Back to being humans? I look down at myself. I'm back to normal! They wake up, and are in their uniforms with numbers. Poppy is different. I can't explain it but it seems like whenever I see one another thing comes along and when I see that it switches. One is a adult with curly blonde hair and blue eyes, the other is a child probably 5 years old with red hair, freckles, and green eyes. Both are female, and both are confusing to even look at. They both have the same number: 1005.

I remember Huggy is Harry, Cat Bee is Carol, and Kissy is Elizabeth but I don't know the others names. All I know and remember are their numbers. Except the kid and adult, never seen them before. Everyone is confused. "How are we human?" Carol asked. "I don't know, but this is great!" What the person who seems to be BB said. His tag says 1012. "I'm not so sure... Is this a dream?" I asked. "Maybe..." Harry replied.

We all got up, and chatted about various subjects. The mishmash of adult of child kept to themselves, but I went over anyway. "Hello, who are you?" "We are who you call 'Poppy'." The child said. "Oh, well why havent I seen you two before?" "We were experimented on around late 1950s." The adult explained. "Oh. Why would they choose to put you together?" "Dunno." The kid simply responded. "But my name is Amy." "And I'm Stella." "Nice to meet you, and you already know my name." "Yeah, haha."

After that conversation I went to join Harry and Elizabeth who were arguing over something stupid again. "Hey, what's up?" They immediately stopped bickering. "Nothing much, you?" Harry said. "Eh just talked with Amy and Stella." "Who?" Elizabeth asked. "Poppy." "Oh." "What were you two talking about?" "Nothing much, just do you eat or drink soup?" "Heh???" "If there is no chunks, is it considered a drink?" "No it's not!" "Yes it is!" "Guys! Stop. It's called opinions, you don't have to argue about something like that." "Yeah we don't have to, but we want to." They then went back to bickering about soup. Good point though.

I went over back to my bed, and thought about stuff. Do we eat or drink soup? If there's chunks then it would be eating, but if there's no chunks is it drinking? Especially if it's in a cup I mean who would waste time putting it in a bowl and sipping it with a spoon? Hmmm... I feel like being pulled away from my body. What the fu-? I then wake up in medical ward. Everyone else wakes up too, but they are toys again.

"Did anyone else dream that?" "Yeah but is there proof?" "I remember you and Elizabeth arguing over if soup had no chunks then would it be a drink." "Wow so we did have the same dream!" "Neat." "Poppy?" "Yes?" "Which of you takes control most of the time?" "Probably Amy. She's a bit of a crybaby. Says who?" I then saw tears start to form out of Poppy's realistic eyes. Bruh. "Okay thanks for the information I guess." "No problem." What i presume to be Stella said. "Who wants to play tag?" BB asked. "Me!" Pretty much everyone said.

(My brain fried thinking what to do for this)

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