Chapter 13: Medicine

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"Thanks Huggy." "No problem."

Huggy POV: (when Y/N blacked out)

Oh shit what happened?! "Chill, it's just a thing I can't control." 'What thing?' "My hair has a scent that if really close up, knocks someone out. It actually doesn't spell like poppies, as poppies don't really have a smell. It's a toxin that when breathed in the person goes night night." 'How long does the effect last for?' "Uhh, about a hour maybe." Cat Bee finally spoke "we should get her to the medical ward." 'Good idea, let's go.'

Poppy walked alongside me, while I was carrying Cat Bee in one long arm and dragging Y/N with the other. Oof, that must hurt her more than me. We finally got there and Poppy sat down a ways away and I set Cat Bee down then put Y/N on a bed. That took the better part of the hour, so a few minutes later Y/N woke up. She looked around then I motioned 'it was different getting you all here.' "Oh, how?" 'After Poppy stopped crying she could walk. Cat Bee couldn't walk so I carried her, and that left you which I dragged.' She looked at herself and saw the scrapes.

'Sorry about that...' "It's fine." Poppy said sorry too for knocking out Y/N, and she forgave Poppy. A moment later Y/N's eyes changed to completely black, almost oozing with a weird black substance. Terrified, I froze hoping I or Poppy didn't do or say anything wrong. Y/N went back to normal a moment later and then tried to get up. She stumbled and fell back on to the bed. I went 'you good?' She replied "yeah I'm fine." She tried again successfully and then picked up Cat Bee. "C'mon guys let's go I gotta fulfill my promise."

We went to the operating rooms. I waited outside for them as Y/N motioned for me to wait here. A while later Cat Bee came out and Y/N said to me "come on Huggy get in here, I wanna try to fix your voice." I went in nervously and laid down on the bench. Damn memories go away! A little pain in my throat is ok, as Y/N was trying to be gentle. Much better than t h e m . . . fuck no, go away! After a while she finished. "Ok, try to talk." I did just that. "H-hello? Wait... It works! Thank you Y/N!" I was overjoyed near the point of jumping around. We hugged tightly, and all bad feelings went away. 

"Okay your turn!" "Huh?" "I wanna fix your wounds." "Oh. Okay" she laid down in place of where I was and I bandaged up all the little scrapes from dragging her. When I got to the scratches, I lingered wondering if I really did that and if she really forgives me. Dammit Huggy whats gotten into you? After a minute I continued and bandaged up the scratches. "Okay, done." She got up and thanked me.

Carol peeked in with a look on her face. "The hell you want, Cat Bee?" "One, holy shit you can talk. Two, kiss." We both blushed badly and looked at each other. Seems like she kinda has feelings too after all those years. We both started to slight lean towards eachother, and then went "nah." And leaned away stepping a couple steps apart. The blush was still there but not as bad. "Wow you both really said 'sike', huh?" Cat bee went, kinda irritated and disappointed.


Holy shit he likes me too, I can tell. "Hah, yea." Huggy said to Cat Bee. I can also tell he is still extremely happy and grateful for the voice, his smile is super wide I worry his face will split. "So uh... What now?" I said. "We can check out the other places?" Cat Bee replied. "Sure, Y/N lead the way." "Okay, there are a bunch of doors at where you used to stand, I wanna go check those out."

After waking back to where Huggy stood, I went towards testing and they followed. I started to open the door, but realize it's locked. "Huh. Okay then we will check out other doors to look for a key" Since testing didnt work, we walked across the room to the cafeteria doors. I opened them and walked inside. There was a big room full of benches and tables, and a serving area with a door. We looked around the big room first, and found nothing. What about the serving area? Nope. "Ok totally not spooky door time." "You know its for storing food, right? Which means it shouldnt be spooky." Cat Bee stated. "Storage in general is spooky for me, shush."

We walked in and there were many shelves, almost empty from anyone still here and rats. Searching the shelves and boxes, Huggy found a key. "Great, give it here and let's go see where it goes." He gives the key to me, and we go back over to testing. I use the key and the doors open. Inside, it splits off into two. One way to observing, and the other to active testing and interview. Observation room has chairs, A desk, and a microphone along with clipboards full of paper and some pens on said desk.

I walk over and read some papers which must've written down what audio and actions went on. 'Log 3, some are done with their transformation. "Bring in number 1005." A door opened and 1005 stepped in along with two guards. It sat down at the table in the other room-' I heard crying and a tear dropped on the edge of the paper. Who the fuck interrupted my reading? I look over and see Poppy standing there on the desk as she is so small, looking at the paper with me. Ah I forgot about her. I pushed my irritation aside. "What's wrong?" "I- I was there..." "What do you mean?" "They interviewed me non stop. They are talking about me." I looked at the other papers and sure enough, many were logs of interviews with Poppy.

"Oh... What's wrong with that? They're just curious." "They hurt me if I didnt answer..." "Oh. Well you don't have to worry about that anymore, they are gone and we won't hurt you." "Really?" "Really." We hugged and she cried into my chest. Huggy and Cat Bee joined in, and we all hugged to comfort the small doll.

To be continued...

(Somehow the parts are not in order, so apologies about that. 'Candy Cat?' got published before this.)

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