Chapter 18: Back

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So we each took a bed, and fell asleep.

After the night passed, we woke up. I was the first and saw Huggy acting a little weird in his sleep. He was blushing too, what in the fuck is he doing? He finally woke up with a jolt and sat there staring at himself while the blush went away. He looked around and saw me, then immediately looked away. Huh??? The others woke up soon after with BB protesting like "I'm trynna sleep..." But he woke up. Huggy eventually got over it and was able to look at and talk with me more.

We all sat there then decided to eat again. Making our way to the cafeteria, we say a trail of blood coming out of the theater. We followed like those stupid horror movie characters that die from following a noise. But first we went to the theater to see where it came from, and the blue cat was missing. Oh shit it's still alive! We then followed the trail to testing, and through the series of doors different from those we went to see BB. Left left right right, easy enough to remember.

It led to a room, and we went in. The cat is there, slowly breathing better, as it has healed mostly. Huggy immediately went defensive and stepped next to me. The cat looked at us but didn't do anything but mutter an "I'm sorry." "Oh you can talk now. Ok, what made you like that?" "I... Don't want to say his name... But it's none of you. Its the one who put up the note." Huggy slightly let his guard down now knowing the cat probably won't do anything. "My name is Candy Cat... Or Charles, as I heard you remember." "Oh my name is Y/N, and this is-" I went on to say the rest of the group's names to their displeasure. However I did not know the true names of Poppy and BB. BB said "it's Andrew. My name that is." And Poppy then said "Sally."

"Nice to meet you." Spoke Candy Cat. "What would you prefer to be called?" "My toy name."Ok then kinda nice to meet you too Candy Cat." "Kinda?" "Well yeah you tried to kill us." "Oh. Sorry about that." "It's fine just don't do it again. Anyway wanna go eat?" "No I cant, the major injury to my stomach keeps me from doing anything." "Ah, well wanna come along anyway then?" "Sure."

So we went back. We would have gotten lost if not for the blood trail. We made our way across the lobby and through the cafeteria. Again I went in the back and brought out stuff, set it on the table, and everyone sat down.

After eating that meal we just decided to hang out. We played games that did not require equipment cuz we didn't have any, such as red light green light. And then we all sat down tuckered out. Candy cat had healed by then. I asked "so what now?" "Don't know other than talking." Huggy said. "Even though we already are." Cat Bee stated. "Candy Cat." "Yes?" "Can I ask more about what happened?" "Sure I guess..."

"So what made you do what you did?" "Didn't you already ask that?" "Yeah but you gave a unsatisfactory answer." "Ok fine. No names though, or he will hurt me." "Who?" "The note writer." "Oh. Okay, go on." "Okay. Well it all started not long after you escaped. He tortured my mind for years and did not let up. He broke my spirit, and kept saying that if I defied him, he will hurt me. I dont like getting hurt so I obeyed. Then you all came along and had unbroken me. Thank you for that by the way." "You're welcome." "Do you wish to know more?" "No, that was good enough, for now anyway." "Okay." So then we all spent a long time chatting about various subjects.

To be continued...

(Ayyy he's alive! :D)

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