Book Two: Finding Penelope

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Casper Lee, New York's guardian angel as some would say, embarks on a new mission to findPenelope Shanae and save her from all the horrors she's gotten entangled into over the course of her life. Finding out her secret took a toll on the gang, but Casper made her a promise and he is hell-bent on fulfilling it. He travels across the world and faces evil he has never seen before all in pursuit of one woman, however, the story isn't all romance; blood is spilt and countless lives lost. Old personalities are shed as the family sticks together to defeat a great evil that have been a plague in their lives for far too long. New York was brought to its knees by the distribution of Red Dragon Cocaine and it continues to leave its mark all over the world, the only way to stop it is to find the source, and the only way to find the source is to find her.

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