"You're all damned

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"Wait... we have to stop"

Drew heard his best friend utter faintly. He turned to him on the rooftop a few buildings down, in the middle of their escape. He held onto Casper as he hit the ground slowly.

"That giant prick really did a number on you huh..."

Cas looked up and answered, "Yeah... was pretty cool going through that glass door though, pretty sure the concrete and I are best buds now."

"You're an idiot... what are we gonna do about the girls?" Drew asked becoming more focused on the problem at hand.

"Something tells me they're giving their captors hell right now. We need to find Kasdeya."

"Well call mommy dearest and tell her we need to meet now."

Casper managed to regain his strength to stand. In about another thirty minutes they made it back to the base. Upon their arrival, Cipher was a full-blown nerd scanning through traffic cameras and CCTV all over the city. He was just as worried about Penelope and Tammy.


A familiar sound; the steel lock banged against the likewise steel door moments before the zinc lining scraped the floor as Cas and Drew entered. Cipher panicked not sure who to expect, he leaped off his chair and pushed his hand underneath the table.

"Whoa whoa whoa!! It's just us!!" yelled Drew.

"Shit!" Cipher responded "I almost pressed the red button"

"Yeah. Let's not... do that" Casper added, "don't you think you could've reached for a gun or something instead of sinking us all underground?"

Cipher sat back in his chair and released a deep sigh while resting his face in his palms. Drew opened the fridge and took out three cans of beer, tossing one to Cipher.

"Here, drink that and take ten minutes, then find them. You need a breather bro"

Cas got his phone out to call Kasdeya. Unfortunately, he didn't realize until that moment that he didn't have her direct number. What he did have was the address to the local DMV on a piece of paper still in his wallet.

BANG... Screeeeeech!

This time the three friends sprung to their feet. With the girls being taken there shouldn't have been anybody else barging in like they owned the place. Drew cocked his guns and aimed at the door, Cipher pulled out a revolver and Cas grabbed his katana from the table withdrawing it from its sheath.

"Now he draws for a gun..." Drew uttered mocking his chubby friend.

To their surprise, three ladies entered the garage: Penelope, Tammy, and Kasdeya.

The girls ran and hugged their respective lovers and then both sandwiched Cipher.

Kasdeya stood there, very stern, after all the excitement had passed Casper approached her.

"Why so serious, mother?" he said in a condescending tone as he would, "and what happened tonight?"

Kasdeya took two steps back, she smiled crookedly and shook her head expressing her anger. Holding up her fingers she snapped the two and instantly the secret base became filled with the men from the bank and more.

Out of nowhere, at least twenty-six men stood beaming their eyes at the team of five. The gang stood back to back as they circled, leaving no one's back uncovered.

"Kasdeya!" Penny shouted, "What is the meaning of this?!"

"Casper, it is the love of a mother only... you hear me!" the woman spoke gritting her teeth, "The love of a mother! If you were not my flesh and blood, I'd kill you all where you stand."

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