Ambush! Welcome to Fuchu

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It's been 24 hours since Casper made it to Japan and already there was a sizeable amount of persons who wanted him dead. It was the night before Christmas and even though hell was bound to rain fire on the mountain at any moment, Casper and Penelope found peace in each other. Meanwhile back at home, Katherine couldn't help but invite over all of Casper's friends along with grandmaster Yao Ming for a family Christmas dinner. Her sister from California also came, Jessica and her husband Tyler. It was noon and everyone gathered around drinking beer and watching the television as Kat and Jess prepared the food, the house phone started ringing and as it rung the first few times nobody bothered to answer it.

Seconds later the ringing persisted and Katherine finally took notice.

"Give me a second Jess let me see who's calling"

She went on over to the phone on the wall while wiping her hands in her apron.

"Hello" she answered

"Hi there pretty lady, Merry Christmas" the deep voice on the other end responded.

"Gasp! Cas baby it's so good to finally hear from you, Merry Christmas"

Katherine was overjoyed, she hadn't heard from her son since he left the country.

"Everyone! Come quick! Cas is on the phone!" she yelled as she pressed the speaker button.

"Hey douche, Merry Christmas! It's good to FINALLY hear from you" yelled Drew to his best friend as everyone started laughing.

"Hi Cas!" His aunt Jessica said

"Hi aunt Jess, Merry Christmas to you guys... Drew! Come on brother you know how it is, how is everything over there?"

"Everything's great baby" Katherine answered

"Great, I've got someone who wants to say hi," Cas said as he handed the phone to Penelope "Merry Christmas everyone"

When they heard her voice they were even more excited, feeling that Casper had accomplished what he set out to do. Everyone greeted her warmly and expressed that they can't wait to have her back.

"Hey mom, can I talk to you alone for a second"

Katherine took the phone off speaker as everyone went back to doing their own thing.

"What's up baby? When are you guys coming back?"

"I don't know, it's not over Ma... we escaped the Hunters' base but they will be coming for us... I'll keep you updated when I can.."

She sighed deeply through the phone "I have that bad feeling again," she said as she heard this.

"It'll be okay, I promise... I'll call you again soon okay, love you"

"I love you too, be safe"

The phone call ended, Cas and Penelope looked at each other both being fearful as she placed her head on his shoulder. The day went by smoothly; shadow warriors were placed at every square foot of the camp watching for the hunters while Yakaturi and Saski assembled the vast majority of warriors and trained for the inevitable. They figured more or less that the hunters would strike when it was dark again but they would not let their guard down.

"Listen up! These men are trained to kill, just like you, it is not needed to say that their main motive is to hunt and kill shadows.." Saski said "It will not be easy"

"Why should we help you?!" shouted someone from the crowd.

Casper and Penelope happened to walk in at this time, so he began addressing his companions as Saski had no idea how to answer.

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