The Truth

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Arriving in New York at 5 pm sharp, everyone was wide awake and quite frankly couldn't wait to get off the jet; there wasn't much jet lag but Jamaica had been exhausting and everyone was eager to get back to their usual lives.

"I don't know if it's the plane ride, or my thoughts that's got me feeling like shit" Cas said as everyone walked down the stairs and out of the aircraft. Drew removed his shades and asked what's up.

Looking around the hangar he said "Maybe it's all finally getting to me, my dad, the company, Penelope, Tokyo.. all the lives I took"

"It's okay brother" Drew said with a crooked smirk "I'm here for you, we all are.. Everything you do is for a greater good and we're in this together".

For a minute or two, they tarried in the hangar before regaining their strength to get into the car.

An hour later, Drew and Tammy were at their home, Cipher was back in his natural habitat and Casper spent most of that Friday night trying out some of that Jamaican kush in an effort to de-stress.

At around 10:30 Katherine came up to his room banging on the door.

"There's a girl outside," she said as her voice penetrated the door.

He wondered who it was; completely forgetting he had somewhat of new obligations. Running to the door he took a look through the peephole.

"Oh motherf... how could I forget?"

He opened the door instantly and on his porch was the vivacious Sophie Le'Georgia.

"Remember me?" She asked as he could see the disappointment and anger drooping from her face.

"Sophie... I.."

"Save it... I guess I was just some booty call.. So what were you doing in Jamaica really? There's no client Casper" she said, it seemed she had been doing her own research into his so-called business meeting, pulling all the strings of a board member and all.

"Listen I can explain," he said in hopes to get through to her, he admitted he had been neglectful for the past few days and a little off with the truth. However, Sophie had her share of bad romance in the past and not willing to waste precious time she stormed away leaving him no chance to further explain himself.

As Cas watched her walking away and getting into her car he softly beat his head against the door before closing it.

"Damn it!" he exclaimed as he grabbed his coat, opening the door again and stepping outside he slammed it shut and hopped onto his motorcycle. Sophie, on the other hand, was almost home, a few minutes later she arrived at her place. Stepping out of her Mercedes she walked up to her garage door, hearing a soft rustle in the bushes she thought it was the wind; as it was a rather chilly night. However, she opened up her garage and parked, making her way inside.

"Ugh.. have me some ice cream and a movie and take my ass to bed" She said to herself as she entered the big house, walking inside she kicked off her shoes, got the cookie and cream out of the freezer and put Titanic on; her favorite movie. Seven minutes into the first scene she heard a thud on the door.

"Huh, what's that.."

As she got up she walked over to the door, looking through the peephole she saw no one but her curiosity got the best of her. Needless to say, Sophie unlocked the door and twisted the knob, she opened it to take a look outside and before the door was all the way opened she saw a hand coming over her head to cover her mouth; someone was in the house!

"I got her, come on in!" the masked assailant said, seconds after the door swung wide open and three other masked men entered Sophie's home.

"Put her over there and keep that gun on her," said one very tall man "Listen lady, we don't wanna hurt you but we will, where's the money?"

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