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That night was one to remember, Casper felt somewhat bad about hurting Sophie's feelings with the truth but he was also anxious about getting back to Japan and seeing Penny. In a rush all the thoughts of family, friends, and the company came storming in his mind; the company would have to do without him for a while let alone the streets of New York. Christmas was fast approaching and the muggers were out, would New York be left defenseless? He had to come up with a plan.

On the way back home Cas dialed a familiar number, as the phone rang visions of his and Penelope's first kiss flashed before his eyes.

"Hello.." Cipher answered.

"I need your help"

"Dude do you not know what time it is? What do you want?"

Cas smirked, "don't act like you're not around your computer, there's an old friend in town from Japan. I need you to find him.. I saw him about a half hour ago dressed like me... the other me"

"Oh boy, it's gonna be pretty hard just finding someone like that Casper.. one, its night.. and two I don't know what he looks like, I need a name, possible associates.. anything" Cipher responded reluctantly.

"His name is Zaotan, Z-A-O-T-A-N, maybe he used his real name to enter the country and maybe he didn't... Just do your magic brother."

Cas got home to a sleeping house, Katherine wasn't seen or heard and so he went to bed as well as the next day would prove to be rather eventful. Morning came and the smell of a fresh brew of coffee whipped his nose around 6:30 am, walking down the stairs he saw Katherine hurrying through the door.

"Ma! Hold on a sec"

"I gotta go to the store honey, can it wait till later?"

"Ugh... yeah sure"

He wanted to tell her about the message he received but Katherine was moving a bit too fast for him that morning. Chomping down some bacon and eggs with a cup of the good brew, Casper got ready for work and drove out in his dad's SUV; both his Camaro and R6 were in need of minor fixing and a little tender care. As usual, it didn't take long for him to arrive in Manhattan, noticing Sophie's car he pulled up into the empty parking space beside it.

"Oh boy" he whispered to himself, "this is probably why it was a bad idea to get involved with someone in the same office".

He entered the big glass doors with pleasantries to everyone he passed by, making his way to the top floor to begin his day. Every now and then Sophie would come into the office to discuss business or use the printer, she wasn't interested in small talk or any talk at all as a matter of fact.

"Sophie... Can we talk?"

"We have nothing to talk about Mr. Lee" she answered.

"Sophie... I'd like to talk to you as your boss and not your lover, please"

She rolled her eyes and in an effort to be the least bit professional she turned around with a fake smile and said "Yes Sir?"

"I'm going to Tokyo.. I don't know for how long.. Can I count on you to make sure this company doesn't fall to pieces?"

"Hell no!" she yelled with spite, his eyes widened at her response but he wasn't all that surprised.

"You think you can just leave all this on me, again, as you go chasing the love of your life? As a matter of fact, Mr. Lee, I haven't taken my vacation days in two years so guess what. I'll be out of here for the next month.. Have a nice trip".

She slammed the door walking out and Casper just sat there astonished. However, he understood her position and went ahead to put in six weeks of paid vacation days for Sophie Le'Georgia.

The Formidable Stranger (Trilogy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora