Evil Reincarnate

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"We need to leave, there's a lot I have to tell you." The formidable father figure said.

"I suppose you're here to try and get me to join T.W.O as well?"

"No! I need to protect you from them."

He ran off hopping from roof to roof, Cas looked at his wife and they both wondered what the hell is going on before deciding to follow him. He led them to a house a few avenues away which to their surprise, was their safe house.

"How? ....never mind" Cas spoke with confusion.

"Just hurry up and get inside."

It was clear they'll need a new location for Katherine but everyone was present and ready to hear what the strange man had to say. Immediately, Penny and Tammy recalled what The Seer said; her third prediction foretold of a man who would return and she seemed horrified.

"We're listening," Kat said.

"I know there's no reason to trust me but I beg you, hear me out," he said

"My name is Cain and I am... immortal."

"Back the hell up, immortal?" Drew interrupted him before being silenced by Penny. She knew after everything they encountered this year, nothing was off the table. Cain continued.

"I've lived for over two thousand years and thirty-three years ago I met a woman named Kasdeya who bore me a son. She grew envious of me because she too wanted to live forever, so much so that she joined The World Order. It was originally created to keep the balance of good and evil in the world but she corrupted it. She introduced the idea of immortality to them and one by one she won their allegiance. They developed this serum that allowed them a fake sense of immortality where once focused nothing can harm them."

"Ahem," Penny interrupted, "yeah that I believe, we fought some of them."

Cas held her hand as he asked Cain to continue.

"I'm aware you beheaded her Ryuu, but she will come back" everyone's face was lit with astonishment as they hung on his every word.

"She's died many times. One thing you should be sure of is there are many dimensions in the earth and each time she dies she goes to one of them- somewhere in the likeness of what you perceive as hell. I recently found out that she keeps coming back in the form of someone else, she may already be here."

"What does she really want with me?" Casper asked.

"To kill you, apparently there's a way for her to become like me now, but she has to take the fruit of her womb to a dimension where T.W.O is situated and there would be a ritual performed where she'd stab the child with a mystical dagger known as Dargyst. Doing this will reward her permanent immortality and then nothing will stop her from doing all that she pleases with the world. Immortality is not a gift, trust me, it's a curse... and people like Kasdeya should not have this particular curse."

Mind boggled, everyone stood speechless, but Cas was intrigued.

"How do we stop her?"

"We find the Dargyst and we stab her with it instead, its power will rip her soul to pieces."

Like anyone would be, the gang was both speechless and had a million more questions all at the same time. The police thought Casper and Penelope murdered those seven cops, but Chauvin knew he had just made things worst on himself when he sent them to murder the couple in the first place. In any event, blood was meant to be shed that night.

"So what I'm hearing is Kasdeya is not really dead even though Ryuu took her head off clean... and she's obsessed with power." Casper spoke to his supposed father.

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