An Old Friend

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Mr. Sir was becoming well-adjusted to lock up, his trial date hadn't been set yet but the few other jailbirds at the NYPD jailhouse feared him for his reputation. He would be tried for a number of heinous criminal activities including suspicion of murder as nothing was ever proved. That night he laid in his cell reading the New York Times, there was one other person with him who he tolerated a little bit more than the majority.

"These assholes need to give me a trial date already"

"Maybe they're afraid you'll win, sir" his companion replied

"This is New York, I'll go to prison whether they can pin anything on me or not, this is the big one"

"Dragging out your time is what they're doing Mr. Sir"

The middle-aged man looked over at his cellmate while putting down the paper and said "maybe.... Damn it can't a brother just get sentenced already, they think they're so smart"

The night came to an end and before you knew it Sunday swung around. Casper did something unusual this Sunday; he joined Katherine at church for the first time in centuries and she was happy to have him. Cas wasn't the type to worship freely as the saints did but he would pay his respect to God and listen to the gospel being preached. The church wasn't far away from home in Forrest Hills and when the service was over around 11 am Kat gathered with a few of her church sisters on the outside of the building to talk. Casper felt like a child again desperate for his mother to finish talking so they can go home, although his experience was a lot different growing up at the St. Peter's Home for Children. The sisters who lived in and helped with the aid of the children played motherly roles, one of which was especially fond of the abandoned child known only as Casper. Her name was Sister Mary, a bit cliché given the whole Christian catholic scenario but she truly was a saint and the first real mother Casper knew before the sweet Katherine Lee.

In about another half hour, Kat had finally finished chatting with her friends and went home with her son, she drove leaving him no option but to wait anyway. The two made their way home where Kat prepared dinner while Cas stayed up in his room watching his favorite TV show until Drew came by for their Sunday evening basketball one on one, this time he brought Tammy along. The ball bounced on the court in the backyard with momentary sounds of victory as the chains rattled from the hoop.

"Come on brother you can do better than that" Drew teased his best friend.

"Aaahhh! I'm a little sore that's all" Cas replied as they took a break

"Finished already?" Tammy asked being snarky "You guys are getting old"

"Oh shut up Miss Daisy you couldn't beat either one of us on our worst day" Drew clapped back at his lover.

"Hey guys, so I got a message from Penelope, apparently Jasper did have something to do with my dad's death, he along with that creep Mr. Sir" Cas mentioned as he wiped sweat from his face taking a seat on the grass.

"That dick that had me tied up" Tammy responded

"I should have killed him" Drew added "What are you gonna do? He's already in lockup"

"Yeah for how long, I hear he hasn't even gotten a trial yet," said Cas just before gazing into the open yard, his friends could tell he was thinking hard.

"You aren't actually considering killing him right?" Drew asked

"Ooooh I'm considering it... to tell you guys the truth I was gonna bail him out and just end it"

"Nah brother, it ain't even worth it"

"We wanted to kill Jasper... what's the difference?" He asked

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