Marvins Room

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Before the chapter starts, #TeamMichael or #TeamJonathan?

Read the A/N at the end of the chapter.

C h a p t e r 30: Marvins Room

The woman that I would try
Is happy with a good guy
But I've been drinking so much
That I'ma call her anyway and say
"Fuck that nigga that you love so bad
I know you still think about the times we had"
I say, "fuck that nigga that you think you found
And since you picked up I know he's not around" -Marvins Room x Drake


"Jon! Jon-- I can't do this!" Monique cried hysterically into the phone.

"I needed you here with me and you weren't now-- I messed up! I ne-- I need you now!"

The day before.. (Friday)

"Jayla come here please." Monique said from behind her desk.

A few minutes later Jayla appeared in her office.

"What do you need?"

Monique ran her fingers through her hair. "Someone to talk to."

Jayla sat down in a chair in front of Monique's desk then crossed her legs. "What's up?"

Jayla has been working as Monique's assistant for a week now. Last Friday when Carina brought her in, Monique was surprised to see Jayce's little sister standing in her office. Although she's now 24, Monique still remembers her as the 16 year old girl she was last time she saw her.

"I finally got everything done for the party tomorrow. Everything should go perfectly." Monique said.

"Cool, what's the theme gonna be?"

"Red carpet."

"Nice. So what's wrong then?"

Monique sighed. "I just-- I don't know. I feel like I'm doing everything wrong."

Jayla furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean? The store is doing amazing."

"No, I mean as far as my life. Me being a mother and all."


"Both of my children's birthdays were yesterday, yet I only saw one of my kids."

"Oh, your daughter?"

Monique nodded. "My son lives with his father so I didn't see him. I only got to talk to him on the phone for like five minutes. Five minutes isn't enough."

"Yeah, I dropped by yesterday and saw him." Jayla said.

Monique looked at her. "Really? What did they do?"

"We went out to dinner." Jayla shrugged. "That was about it."

Monique shook her head. "See, I'm his mother! I should have been there, but no. His dad didn't bother to tell me about that."

"What did Yanae do for her birthday?"

"We had a family day. We went to the aquarium, out to lunch, then shopping." Monique said. "She kept asking about her brother though."

"Wait, so how often do they see each other?"

Monique shrugged. "When Michael first took him they'd see each other every other weekend. Over time Michael just stopped bringing him. Now they only see each other maybe once a month."

"That's not right. Ima have to get on my brother about that." Jayla shook her head.

"Nope. It's no use. He doesn't want his son around my husband. But then it's like, I don't want my son around that hoe of his either. But I guess I just can't win when it comes to that."

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