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~Marina's Pov~

I sat at my reading table as I solved my algebra II assignment, and I couldn't deny my hatred for trigonometry, angles and triangles but ironically I do enjoying solving problems with the pythagoras theorem, also I love basic algebra problems with the coefficient and all that jazz.

"Three x equals twelve." I read out the next question and chuckled to myself, did Mr George think we were still in elementary school?

Just by looking at the question, I already knew the answer was four, simply divide both sides by the coefficient which is three, therefore 'x' would be four. I smiled to myself as I did the workings on my worksheet, the homework was due tomorrow. Also tommorow Mr Wiley would officially tell us what our term's project that worth half our entire grade would be. Tomorrow is going to be a hectic day.

Whitesnake's voice sang into the air from his song; is this love– my ringing tone– I dropped my pencil on my worksheet and picked up my iPhone, the first thing I saw was a polaroid picture of me and my mom from ten years ago, it had been taken at a park. It was my Mom calling.

I pouted my lips to one side and then hit the green button, "Hey, Mom!"

"Hey, Sweetie... So I was thinking, Kelsie's at ten tomorrow, so we could have some Mommy and Marie time just like I promised."

That would be my lunch break at school but I'd be too worked up to leave school grounds and return again even if I was being picked up and dropped off.

"I have school, Mom."

"Oh I must have forgotten, my mind was still in last week, but hey, I'm off Saturday." She added and I noticed there was a catch in her voice, she was excited to hangout no doubt.

But I had to decline again, "I have driver's test, come Saturday."

I heard her mouth 'ohh' in the background and I could already picture her lovely face but a thought made my heart sink. If she was always around she'd already know about my driver's test but she is never around, and with each day the lesser her involvement in our lives and it makes me wonder what memories I would have to remember her by when her time came. It's just sad. The truth was staring at me in the face and mocking me: Mommy loves her job more than Dad, Jakob and Marie. Then why'd she get married if she knew she couldn't balance her work life and mommy duties?

"Or wait! That's brilliant!" She rejoiced over the line and my spirit found its way back into my body.

"What's brilliant?" I just couldn't replicate her enthusiasm.

"I'll come hangout with you guys during the driver's test, and after that we can all have fun together." She suggested.

Ok maybe she did have us in mind, sorta.

"That'd be nice. See you Saturday." I smiled weakly even if she couldn't see it and I ended the call.

See you Saturday. That was so weird. We literally lived in the same house, but we were like friends who didn't live close and barely saw each other or worse... Strangers. And I'm pretty sure we would reach that climax if she doesn't create more time to hang out with her family.

Off the GridOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora