Uncle Hawks

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I saw a bunch of Tiktoks about Hawks being the young cool uncle and I just had to make those but with younger (Y/n). Go check out alina_with_an_e for more Uncle Hawks content.

First one is him taking (Y/n) to a "bar" and buying them French fries while letting her play on his phone.
Also for anyone who did the mental math about the characters ages at the time the legal drinking age in Japan is 20 so yes the Aizawa is allowed to be at the bar.

3rd person P.O.V.

"Hawks... you can't take four year olds to bars."

"We're at a restaurant."

"Ok but she can't sit at the bar." The winged hero looked over to Eraserhead and chuckled,

"Hey come on. She's not bothering anyone and no one working here cares since it's kind of just a breakfast bar anyway. Besides just look at her, she's enjoying herself." The (h/c) toddler looked up from her uncles phone turning her head so quickly that one of her pigtails hit her in the face. "You alright kiddo?"

"Mhm. When are the fries getting here?"

"Soon enough, don't worry." The little girl flapped her tiny wings in excitement and almost took off until Hawks grabbed her, putting her back on the stool. Eraserhead sighed and took a drink of his beer,

"I normally don't bring this subject up around you but what would her mother think?"

"Bold of you to assume her mother would even know she was sitting at the bar."

"Fries!" The waitress came over with a basket of French fries and (Y/n) stood up on the stood, bouncing up and down on her toes excitedly making some of the people in the restaurant turn.

"Awwww she's such a cutie."

"Isn't that Hawks niece?"

"Looks like he's here with a friend." The number three hero waved and turned back.

"What game are you playing kid?"

"The match one. See I match the stars and the berries and the candy."

"Good job kiddo."

Have some comfort

I sniveled into my uncles jacket, and he wrapped his arm tighter around my shoulder.

"Want me to go kill him? That would make us both feel better." I just gave a watery chuckle,

"Like you could kill anyone... I just feel so stupid for not realizing he was using me. Also sorry for getting snot all over your hero costume."

"Kid you could stab me and I would make excuses for you, my jacket is the least of both of our worries right now." I sighed and squeezed my eyes shut in an unsuccessful attempt to stop the next round of tears. "Ok, here's what's going to happen. You are going to go upstairs and wash your face then change out of your uniform. I am going to go out and pick up a pizza, breadsticks, and a ton of ice cream. Then we are going to make a pillow fort like from when you were younger and watch movies because I am not letting you pine over that jackass. Got it?"

"Yeah... thanks."

"No problem." 

I know this was short yes, but I love the idea of Hawks just being like this with (Y/n) and I promise we'll get back to Bakugo next chapter I was just way to inspired to pass up the opportunity to write this."

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